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After randomly recalling this pathetic waste of a board I decided to come back for this one post for the first time since I have become a decent and normal God fearing human being that is on the right side of history.
I guess maybe I should look at this board as something that may not be the worst since I did get out of the waste known as qanon but then again I feel not only did this board delay me for several months from being truly decent I strongly suspect it did the same to others. I even now think this board it the same cringe as gaw.
So this board, this board... What is it? Cringe is what it is, I smartened up it was cringe then and it is super cringe now and always will be.
There is nothing new under the sun as what appears in this board. I wondered for a second before checking this place out yet again, so what a-gawning here? FUCKING NOTHING. Same waste memes, same waste posts, same waste everything. So I tried recalling what was my username and upon logging on thought this would be a fun post to make.
So what's so bad about this place huh?
First of all I'm gonna make a lot of you look at yourselves in the third person and just say the vast majority of you here that are real people are just teenagers wasting your time. Snap out of it, you have better stuff to do, go meet some girls, read some literature (other then mein kampf), do some sports. Don't waste your time on this shit.
Secondly and probably most importantly, hitler was a waste man and naziism is a dead political movement. Basically any other political movement is better than one that was been dead for almost 90 years now. Not to mention how waste it is. Hitler was like expand expand expand (mental illness) then it all finished with him taking his life like the faggot he was. All through ww2 hitler made no sustainable choices.
Also here I am saying this. Your racism in cringe af. The statistics don't lie but there are many decent people who are not caucasian, maybe iono get to know see and come out of your bubble?
Not to mention how funny it is that you all think the white race is the superior race (btw how can that be is according you you jews run the world). That is laughably far from the truth. Just drive through sweet home Alabama for starters.
Seriously thinking about this board this is more cringe than most of reddit.
You all think you are oh so morally superior yet what? Sitting around on the far corner of the internet spewing the same mumbo jumbo hate.
Most of you are what you claim to hate so much. Not to mention that you are all bigger snowflakes than some of the most liberal people.
Also pathetic that you all such dictator's (some of the guys with the smallest cocks) cocks which leads me to wonder how many of you guys here are gay? Many of you don't act straight at all.
And just to note when when I was active here there were several users who exhibited effects of mental illness to such an extent that I advise that if you are still here don't come back here and seek medical help.
Just one last thing an honor list:
Elvis Interstellar, FUCK YOU
right side funding, FUCKYOU
spoonks, FUCK YOU
pkvi, FUCK YOU
insurgent, FUCK YOU
I conclusion I hope I convinced some of you to maybe evaluate youselves, lead a better life, be a better person and iono maybe have some kids in the future.
Adios conpro!
BIDEN 2024!
Glory to Ukraine!
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2 years ago 4 points (+4 / -0 ) 1 child
You told us what you hate. but not what you love.
You did not improove much at all. Do better.
Spending a couple of hours online each day sharing a few memes and talking politics is a fun distraction. If you were incapable of having meaningful conversations that's on you.
2 years ago -2 points (+0 / -2 ) 1 child
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
2 years ago 3 points (+4 / -1 ) 1 child
Wow that’s a lot of words for some faggot who doesn’t care. Back to gay sex for you
2 years ago -3 points (+0 / -3 ) 1 child
2 years ago 4 points (+4 / -0 )
Wow you hover over the site for replies too. What a life you have.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Which ethnostate will you be joining?
- The State of Jefferson
- Ozarkia
- NorthWest Imperative
- New Dixie
- RTVRN to Europe
- just homesteading
- Other
deleted 2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
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deleted 2 years ago 2 points (+3 / -1 ) 1 child
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2 years ago -4 points (+0 / -4 ) 1 child
hard to read for the uneducated?
deleted 2 years ago 2 points (+3 / -1 ) 1 child
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2 years ago -2 points (+0 / -2 ) 1 child
deleted 2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
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