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2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-09-05 00:32:30 2 children
I was struck by all the bullshit 'fundraising' that was done for "Stop the Steal". Trump and his buddies never intended fight hard in court. Guy gave up and took his ball home. Even when the election fraud was so blatant.
In your opinion what are the dangers posed by the MIGA and Q anon retards? I was mostly amazed on how useless the 'conservative' movement is. I'm used to them being delusional. What made you focus in on these 'allies'?
I liked the discussion of potential for White Nationalists taking power in city and the state level. If you have a governor backing you up, there is not much the feds are able to do. Also, working locally and with close neighbors you won't be infiltrated. "The Feds are working remotely" theme as well.
2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 ) 1 child
The enemy should be outnumbered 75 to 1.
But in reality, we are outnumbered 75 to 1.
Those who should be our allies, are mutinous and they serve the enemy, even to their own demise.
The enemies primary Power is in his Blind Trust, Nepotism, and Mutual aid.. his secondary Power is his control over the average MIGA man and woman.
They (MIGA) give 300 Billion every year in Charity, ~95% of this goes to the enemy, and his campaigns.. Humanitarian aid to Africa, Refugee resettlement to America, Human Rights campaigns, and funding to oppose Anti semitism.
Whenever we make an attempt to speak the Truth, there is a MIGA blocking our path with "Cool it with the Anti semitism".. If we were to gain any Power in policy making, the MIGA blocks the path with "That is Hateful".
They do not oppose us with evil intent, but they do oppose us with selfish intent.
Many of them live by the a few maxims..
"They who bless them will be blessed" & "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." , & "There is neither Jew nor Greek". Adhering to these basic principles, along with their faith in Jesus is their ticket to Heaven.
They are sheep, and they follow their traditions, books, and preachers.. most of them are too fearful and or lazy to contemplate whether or not these maxims are True.
To summarize , they Fund the enemy, and they act as a shield wall between us and them.
If matters were to ever become worse, I also think that a vast majority would fight to the death to destroy us, and to protect their jewish idols.
Beyond these tangible dangers, there is also the numbers game.. Naturally speaking they should be our allies, and they should be funding the Survival of their Race, and Nation, but instead they fund Trump, and other Zio Shills, and campaigns.
This is why I have been putting more thought into the Leftists. They have their own ideological challenges, but nothing like the Conservatives, who place the fate of their Eternal Soul on the service of jews, and adherence to jewish Law.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
I'm liking the Pagans and Agnostics more and more every day. The conservatives are selfish. They will let the 'unbelievers' burn and destroy the world so they 'the obedient servants' can get their prize. "Won't it be great when we win in the end." Being raptured is your prize for letting the countries your ancestors built with blood, sweat and tears wither. The future generations perish. FUCK THAT.
Those MAGA and Q anon users at Scored, Gab, etc are useless and nihilistic.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-09-05 04:46:53 1 child
Nihilism - Asceticism - Apocalypticism - Martyrdom
It is important to study many viewpoints, and perspectives. "Anekantavada".
The event to consider is discussed in Revelation 20:4, from a Christian standpoint.
> I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus... they lived, and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
The Christians look forward to this day of wide scale decapitation and genocide, and many of them hope that they are fortunate enough to lose their head on that day.
From a jewish standpoint
> But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom and possess it forever--yes, forever and ever.' Daniel 7:18
The jews look forward to the same event, as they believe that it will be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius. They look forward to a worldwide genocide of their enemies, and the enslavement of all who they do not kill. They look forward to ruling over the entire world, from the Throne of David, in Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2:2)
To further compare the Christian worldview, and the jewish one..
There is no proper mention of Heaven, or Hell specifically, in the Old Testament. The jews are people of this Earth, and they do all that they can to bring Tikkum-Olam or Paradise on Earth. They take responsibility, as they believe that they must accomplish specific things, before their Messiah will return.
And the Christians look at Life on this Earth as a PERSONAL test only, for entry into Heaven. They look forward to the day when God destroys both Heaven and Earth.
> And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. Rev 6:14
Logically speaking, why should one worry about an Earth, and a Race that will "soon" be completely destroyed. Why should one care about Race, when there are no Races in Heaven. Why does one matter more than another, when "All are made in His Image"?
jews fight for the Earth, Christians look forward to the total destruction of the Earth.. They view Trials and Tribulations as a good thing , and they look forward to cataclysm, and Earthly horrors beyond our comprehension.
Makes sense doesn't it? The jews work tirelessly for wealth, and Worldy Power, and the Christians renounce the World, and view wealth as evil, or at the very least transient. The best that they can hope for is Death, Destruction, and a final conversion of the jews.
From a Vedic Arayan standpoint, the Earth, and the Universe are Eternal, and Cyclical.. forever going through new ages, which all bring new challenges, and opportunities.
The Vedic Aryan sees this life as an opportunity to refine his Soul, and to make the World a better place for himself, his Race, and trillions of Aryans yet to come. The belief is that here may is Heaven, and there is punishment, but they are temporary, and once their time has been served, there is return to Earth.
It is not an all or nothing approach, it is Perpetual Struggle, and an Eternal process of perfecting.
One other issue with the Christian worldview is their belief that "God will fix it all".. no need to take personal responsibility, any day now God will fix everything.
I do believe that God returns to Earth from time to time, when Evil is close to overcoming Righteousness, but when might that time come? Tomorrow or in 2,000 Years.. it cannot be known, and it is best to assume that it is OUR responsibility to return the world to Righteousness, and to destroy Evil.
Judaism is a superior Religion to Christianity, and more logical, and this is largely why the jews are winning, and we are losing.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Jews will forever be a blind spot for most Christain sects. Why do you suppose American Zionism is the most toxic version of Christianity.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 2 children
Probably because the jews have targeted America and Americans the most from a strategic standpoint.
One might also say that White people lost much of their Ethnic culture when coming to America, and their Culture became Christian Zionism. jews founded America alongside Saxons, and the entire time they had Zionist ends in mind.
It is also Apocalytpic in some ways, because the 3rd Temple has to be rebuilt before Christ can return..
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
I also think that he made a great point about the Governors, and what it might mean for a single State to try and break away.
Sometimes it takes a single spark.. A single person with Power , or Influence who acts with Righteousness, and Courage. Setting an Example.
When our side has considerable revenue, and when we have a lot of impressions, and influence, we will be able to work towards something like this.
Imagine finding a man who is a (secret) Loyalist, who has the looks, the charisma, and the reputation to win the Governors chair, and imagine a series of Cooperatives behind him , with millions in campaign funding, then also imagine a large voting bloc in his State that can almost guarantee a victory.
It won't be easy, but it is one of the only potentially feasible Political Solutions. Even rebuilding abandoned cities, and controlling the Mayors Office, the Sheriff, and the City Council could lead to some interesting outcomes, and additional influence.
When people think about Ethno Villages, and the land goals of the Parallel Society, they think about Escapism, and the Amish Model, but we are not A-Political, and we do not run away, we know that there is Power in numbers, and also Fortification.
It is a long battle, as you are aware.. First we have to find ways to Survive, and kick the can down the road, but we always need to be thinking and planning for Black Swan opportunities.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Red Ice TV [start at 1:33:50 min mark]
Henrik has some useful demographic numbers and where we can be. Hispanic population collapse. Good whites replacing the 'bad' Whites.
Surviving the collapse and upcoming shitstorms are the first priorities. Slow collapse probably. Amish and Mennonites naturally form voting blocks as well.
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-09-05 05:01:49 1 child
Good stuff.. There are some Eugenic trends developing which may have epigenetic outcomes as well.
The gays, the Trannies, the Anti Whites, the Vax enjoyers, many of them will breed themselves out, and those that are left will be the Strong, the Loyal, the Beautiful, and the Intelligent.
Quality over Quantity, as long as Quantity does not decrease below survival levels.
If we had a a Religion, a Culture, and a Government of Racial Loyalty, then we could survive for centuries with less than 100 million.. not ideal, but all is not lost.
The next two - four generations will determine our Racial destiny for thousands of years to come. If things continue as they are today, I think that our numbers can drop by 75% or more.. And this is only a consideration of Birth Rate trends, it does not include another WW scenario where 100 million Whites kill each other.
Extinction is a REAL possibility, and a Phoenix scenario is also possible.
He mentioned Brasil, and it is not ideal, but Brasil is a kind of White pill.. they lost their majority decades ago, but they are now forming their own Ethno States, and there is a real culture of Colorism, and White Supremacy, which is deeply embedded into the fabric of the Nation. Even most of the non Whites accept their roles as lower castes.
We need to see the Amish fight off ZOG, and we need to support them.
We need to see Orania fight off ZOG, and we need to support them.
We need to see our Kin in Brasil, and Argentina, and every Nation where whites reside fight off ZOG, and we need to support them.
Patriotism, and Nationalism are only rational when the Nation serves the Race. When the Nation turns on the Race, then the appropriate response is Philosophical Expatriotism.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
This makes more sense than the Zionist march to extinction.
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
My Race is my Religion.
Would be a cool series of Original memes
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