Jesusfreaks (like the jews most of them bootlick) corrupt from within any group they can infiltrate. Christian Nationalism claims to be focused on preserving the status of a Christian state, but the real goal is twofold...establish christianity as THE state religion (putting them first in line for government patronage and handouts), and secondly, shifting democracy to theocracy as their end goal. When the latter is achieved, freedom of religion will be gone, as it was in the Middle Ages.
As I have said before, the three abrahamic-based religions all want the same thing...control of individual governments, and eventually world dominion. These dirtbags don't care about the White Race. Their sole focus is on the religion, and the numbers game of who has the most converts (or fanatics). A rainbow congregation of true believers is quite acceptable, as is the race mixing and one world government adored by the jews and globalists.
As I have said before, the three abrahamic-based religions all want the same thing...control of individual governments, and eventually world dominion. These dirtbags don't care about the White Race. Their sole focus is on the religion, and the numbers game of who has the most converts (or fanatics). A rainbow congregation of true believers is quite acceptable, as is the race mixing and one world government adored by the jews and globalists.
"Other minority groups are allowed to have safe spaces around people that look and act like themselves, which is a natural desire. I think white people, who are a small minority of the global population (less than 10%), should be allowed that same privilege as the others"
Indoctrination to the nth