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It seems attention is drawn towards the "bad white man" who should "pay reparations" for previous treatment of blacks
However, why don't they also want to return things back to how they were with blacks going back to Africa?
Why don't blacks, who are free to immigrate legally in some cases, try to get back to their "home" themselves?
If a white person from like the U.S. or Spain was enslaved and sent to Africa, and then was set free, regardless if they asked for "reparations", wouldn't they want to go back home after the ordeal?
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1 year ago 5 points (+5 / -0 )
 Because niggers know just how awful it is to live near niggers let alone living in an entire country full of them. That’s why niggers (and even other non-whites for that matter) invade white nations because whites are the only race capable of creating a legitimate civilization. Hell, Africa use to be great when it was colonized by whites but then colonialism ended and in a matter of only 5 years the infrastructure of all the great cities, built by whites mind you, went to complete shit. Niggers just couldn’t maintain it. They can’t maintain anything and they know it. Niggers in white nations would much rather play “victim” and receive free shit in white nations than to back to the shitholes they are only capable of accomplishing.
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