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I know there's a pervasive message that all instant gratification is bad and all delayed gratification is good
But I've experienced delaying gratification and it only led to loss, and have been reflecting on how some instant gratification might fix certain problems I have otherwise "patiently" put up with
So I guess this is a reminder that delayed or instant gratification are to be balanced
There are a few articles on how instant gratification can be used for good, by giving you appropriate little rewards frequently
Something to think about: when can delayed gratification be harmful and instant gratification be good?
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2 years ago 3 points (+3 / -0 ) 1 child
Delayed gratification = waiting for your crops to grow
Instant gratification = video games go “beep boop”
Both are good in the proper context, either could be bad if you do too much of either.
2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
sometimes I was told to wait for things in the future when it was entirely appropriate for me to do the thing then and I missed opportunities this way, and those same opportunities don't exist now, so I just ended up losing out on instant gratification or delayed gratification (the crop was ripe to pick in the past but wasn't consoomed, and rotted on replanting so no future bigger harvest)
sometimes I didn't need a bigger future gain but the present offering was good enough (I could play a few video games in 16 bit, didn't need a future incredible game in 4k)
2 years ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
Nothing is good or bad, the way the individual reacts or handles the choice in question is good or bad.
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