Revelation 3:20 (King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
Amos 5:4 (King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
WTC7 - This is an Orange [2.08]
The lying psychologist who fooled the world - Nudge Podcast [26.06]
Matthew 13:33 (King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
Yehovah’s Remedy: Science of Salvation #3 - Tom Stapleton [1.06.52]
2 Timothy 4:3-4 (New King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
Why Few Teach Prophecy When It’s Most Needed - J D Farag [1.44.45]
ARAMAIC IN SCRIPTURE - Lew White [10.23]
Genesis 1:28 (New King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
9/11 Alchemy: Facing Reality (2018) - full documentary - Freefloat [2.58.13]
Macropatterns Ep.02 - Jesus Christ (Part I) - Truth is Christ [31.06]
Perfect Faith Vs Breaking Faith (Pt. 2) - David Leone' [2.34.42]
HOW does Antichrist declare himself God? - Gerald Badalamento [1.00.02]
Cepher Moments - What about Pa'al? - Stephen Pidgeon [1.46.46]
Genesis 6:5-6 (King James Version) (Verse and Comment)
Torah Portion: Re'eh - August 31, 2024
50 Best Loved Works by Mozart