Joined 2 years ago
Comment points: 14 Post points: 407

2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Yeah these "crisis" seem all to convenient. Don't they?
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Da Coof]( https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQSQADN1L8)
This weekly is on da coof and the current state of it. Seems like forever ago when COVID was going to be the end of the world. It’s as if many don’t care about it anymore. Now it’s just complying with whatever mask or vaccine rule your employer or school makes up. Most of which are not a great inconvenience. Does this mean their social programming is working? For example, people with masks on are starting to seem “normal”. Many places have already lifted restrictions except for most public transportation. For many parts of the western world, it seems like COVID mania is coming to an end. Of course, COVID mania is still going strong in some countries. A question for the pure bloods is what happened to that big vaccine die off we were supposed to see? A question for the panic vaxxers is what happened to that big un-vaxed die off we were supposed to see? Does anyone even care anymore?
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion on the current state of COVID, the vaccine, and boosters?
* Are COVID restrictions still in place for you? Are they an inconvenience?
* Do you think COVID is over or coming to an end?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (05-08)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QBED1VJ5H)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW)
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 90](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HbpWUvFw/)
* [Weekly 89]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HbbRMFaa/)
* [Weekly 88](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIm4ZpY4)
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
He really does lol.
I hate all ads. I hate every plug that any content creator makes.
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom supplements]( https://www.supersurvey.com/results229671-a4bDcAEd-CQH4F33B)
In this weekly we take on the consumption of supplements. Before we get to that let me tell you about vitamin D. Recent shocking studies show that most people are deficient in vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is essential for the body in promoting calcium absorption for healthy teeth and bones. Studies show it boosts the natural immune system and enables fighting off disease and viruses like the flu and COVID. Don’t use other vitamin D brands full of fillers. Only trust ConPro Life™ all natural Consoom Sun™ only $59.99 order now! Anyway, back to the weekly. Our discussion focus is on whether supplements are bunk and if any are good which ones? As you might be aware there is lots of snake oil out there and in most cases all you need to be truly healthy is a good diet and a little exercise throughout your week. Yet many say some supplements are useful if not effective.
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion of the supplement market? Snake oil or is some of it good?
* Do you take any supplements, or would you recommend any supplements?
* On nootropics a.k.a. the “limitless pill” is there brain boosting supplements that really work?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (05-01)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QSQADN1L8)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW) NOTE: Have a weekly idea? Add it!
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 89]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HbbRMFaa/)
* [Weekly 88](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIm4ZpY4/)
* [Weekly 87]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HITT0pwn)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom weed]( https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQG2CGFYOL)
Hits bong, exhales, “Dude weed” Seth Rogan laugh heheuheuheu!!111!1
In this weekly our discussion is on the devils lettuce, weed, dope, ganga, marijuana, cannabis. Taking drugs recreationally isn’t good for your health in general. We all know that you shouldn’t do drugs unless it’s proscribed or recommended by a doctor. But most people don’t follow that proverb despite it being sound advice. Consider, yourself and all those you know that do drugs, weed, caffeine, tobacco, or alcohol. Many would argue that in no way should the Government dictate what you can and cannot consume. Most would agree that alcohol prohibition caused more problems than it fixed which is why it ended. Similarly, arguments can be made pointing out that the war on drugs is a failure comparable to the prohibition era. Recently a Marijuana Reform Bill passed in the US House of Representatives which if the Senate passed would federally legalize Marijuana removing it as a schedule 1 controlled substance. What would happen if weed became federally legal in the United States? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Is Marijuana not the evil street drug with no medical value that the US has told you it is for some 50 years?
Discussion ideas:
* What do you think about the US House of Representatives passing the Marijuana bill? Do you think the Senate will also pass it? Would Joe Biden Veto it if it came across his desk?
* What is your opinion of Marijuana? Is it equivalent to alcohol in terms of recreational use? Are there medical benefits to it or is that just stoner nonsense?
* Dude weed
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-24)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QCQH4F33B)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW) NOTE: Feel free to add new weekly theme suggestions or topics.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 88](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIm4ZpY4/)
* [Weekly 87]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HITT0pwn)
* [Weekly 86](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIFOzztv/)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These threads are run in parallel on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Art]( https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQWH1VX8VK)
This weekly our discussion is on the current state of art. From an ideal perspective we all know what art is supposed to be and know it when we see it. Yet what makes art - art, is hard to precisely define. And because it’s hard to define is likely why we have so much trash degenerate art today. It’s this trope of poking at that grey definition and we get things like puking paint on canvas or literal white tape in a square sold as a “invisible sculpture” the kinds of “art” we roll our eyes and shake our heads at. That feeling you get when you see corporate art a.k.a. globalhomo art. Also, another form of “art” we see a lot is memes and that is cringe to say. However, if you think about it memes (internet memes) are really just a form of graffiti art. Some of it sticks around and a lot of it gets removed and forgotten. What makes memes stand the test of time? It’s not the “art” being good. Is it more to do with the meaning of it or the message like a political cartoon? These are the kinds of ideas this weekly is about.
Discussion ideas:
* Share your favorite artist or types of art.
* Is it true that art in the past was better compared to what it is today or has there always been periods or bad art throughout time?
* Consider yourself a “artist”, do you make memes, what kinds of medium or software do you use?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-17)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QG2CGFYOL)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW)
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 87]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HITT0pwn)
* [Weekly 86](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIFOzztv/)
* [Weekly 85]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BT7bYU3/)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These weekly threads are run in parallel here and on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Healthy Activities]( https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQ1341D42G)
In this weekly our discussion is on healthy activities and where to find them e.g., camping, guns, hiking, lifting, etc…
Discussion ideas:
* Share your favorite “healthy” activity?
* Recommend an activity and offer advice or tips on how to get involved.
* Is there a healthy activity that you tried but quit? Why didn’t it work out for you would you ever try it again?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-10)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QWH1VX8VK)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW)
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 86](https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/15HIFOzztv/)
* [Weekly 85]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BT7bYU3/)
* [Weekly 84]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BF0E0qg)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: These weekly threads are run in parallel here and on https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Cooomholics Anonymous #2]( https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQAMF65MJE)
Welcome to the second Cooomholics Anonymous (CA) meeting. This is a continuation from our [last weekly]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/12ih0QolqJ) on this topic. The goal of this weekly is to focus on staying no fap and helping cooomholics achieve no fap. Do bring up recommendations, or organizations which offer healthy advice.
Discussion ideas:
* When did you realize that pornography and fapping are detrimental?
* Have you been able to free yourself of coomer brain, how?
* Is the idea of no fap stupid or is it beneficial to reduce or quit fapping and porn?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (04-03)]( https://www.supersurvey.com/Q1341D42G)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW) NOTE: If you have a idea for weekly make sure to leave it.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 85]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BT7bYU3/)
* [Weekly 84]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BF0E0qg)
* [Weekly 83]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142AwK5VtC/)
2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Here and on communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Uncle Ted]( https://www.supersurvey.com/results237511-852710E4-09RV0NDO)
In this weekly our discussion is on Ted Kaczynski a.k.a. Uncle Ted. For obvious reasons please keep all discussion on this topic LEGAL. Most probably know about Uncle Ted from memes like “the industrial revolution and its consequences”. Some likely know of him simply as the Unabomber who is serving 8 consecutive life sentences in the Colorado supermax prison for his crimes. Many know of his manifesto, but few seem to know much about Kaczynski’s essay “Industrial Society and Its Future” and the philosophy it expresses or the sharp critique of leftism it contains. As the political scientist James Q. Wilson puts it “The Unabomber Manifesto is a carefully reasoned, artfully written paper… If it is the work of a madman then the writings of many political philosophers - Jean Jacques Rousseau, Tom Paine, Karl Marx - are scarcely more sane.”
Discussion ideas:
* What is it about Ted Kaczynski philosophy that resonates with so many today?
* Do you think given social media and the internet today Ted Kaczynski could have successfully spread his message reaching a wide audience without acts of violence?
* Share a fact or interesting tidbit about Ted Kaczynski.
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (03-27)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QAMF65MJE)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/IvW3N7kBxCCZ980h5mHW) NOTE: New poll for new weekly suggestions.
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 84]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142BF0E0qg)
* [Weekly 83]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142AwK5VtC/)
* [Weekly 82]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141s2HlyOV)
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Good discussions like always.
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Favorite Scored Communities]( https://www.supersurvey.com/results198126-D5771F7C-1841DP6G)
Our discussion this week is simply what your favorite Scored Communities are.
NOTE: Since this is Arete feel free to bring up your favorite Arete communities if you like.
Discussion ideas:
* What is your favorite Scored Community(s)?
* Recommend a Scored community.
* Are there any Scored communities you should avoid but be aware of?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (03-20)]( https://www.supersurvey.com/Q09RV0NDO)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/#/GRN63NQ5) NOTE: Do recommend some new weekly themes!
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 83]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/142AwK5VtC/)
* [Weekly 82]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141s2HlyOV)
* [Weekly 81]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141rjSaETx)
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Thank you for the kind words and criticisms of ConPro.
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom war](https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQC5A4XX7Q)
In this weekly, our discussion is on the Ukraine – Russian war. This is a complicated topic given the conflicting and politicized news coming out daily. Or as most people would probably call it propaganda passed as news. It seems there are two camps of people those that support Ukraine (US and NATO get involved) and those that support Russia (US and NATO stay out of it). The only thing that either side seems to agree on is internet upvotes do something. Since the news has failed us once again, our goal in this weekly is to figure out what is going on. Are we on the brink of WWIII? Is Ukraine winning? Is Russia winning? Is Sam Hyde the Ghost of Kyiv, how does he keep getting away with it? Wait what happened to COVID? Klaus Schwab who? Great reset? De-denazification of Ukraine? Wait, is NATO and the US supporting Nazis!? Based? Israel funding Nazis in the Ukraine? Why is the price of gas going up? Wait where does our gas come from? US Biowarfare labs in Ukraine FAKE NEWS, right?
These are just some of the questions this weekly may cover, and you likely have many more. Any history buffs out there willing to give us some forgotten context? Now is your chance.
Discussion ideas:
* What is your take on the Ukraine – Russian war?
* Have you encountered or fallen for any fake news when it comes to this war so far? What was it and how did you know it was fake? Recommend tips for filtering fact from fiction.
* Have you been affected by the war directly or indirectly?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (03-13)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/Q1841DP6G)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/#/GRN63NQ5)
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 82]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141s2HlyOV)
* [Weekly 81]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141rjSaETx)
* [Weekly 80]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141YkrXODZ)
2 years ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
I'm going to start running our weekly threads here in parallel.
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Great discussions. Hobbies continues to be a liked theme and one that we will see again.
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Consume Product?](https://www.supersurvey.com/resultsQQ416WG5F)
This is our second meta weekly on Consume Product. First, let’s have a short history of ConPro. We started on Reddit in September of 2019. We quickly grew into a moderately sized community unified under one meme “Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products”. That was a good time for us consumers many memes and great shitposts. During this time, we formed the ConPro identity of screw consumerism, fuck globohomo, let’s go self-improvement and nature! We expressed this through heavy satierism and post irony. That still is true of ConPro today. Mods did follow le Reddit's rules the best they could and so did ConPro as a whole. But who could have guessed that angry discord trannies endlessly complaining and plotting would ultimately get 2000 subreddits banned in June 2020 including ours and theDonald? That’s clown world for you honk honk!
Thankfully your mods happened to be in contact with theDonald mods in anticipation of the ban wave. And but for the grace of God, they allowed us to be the FIRST of many communities to come over to .Win (now Scored) showing great character when it comes to free speech. So ConPro continued fractured between Ruqqus, Reddit derivatives, and here. As time went on, we outlasted them all leaving us the one and only true ConPro we have today. Some mods and users came over, some faded away, and some new mods and users joined. We have experienced the .Win brand changing to Scored, spambot plagues, and now new minor detractors and major subverters. We even have a new promising home (as a just in case) https://arete.network/ thanks to u/Elvis_Interstellar. Same shit different day it seems.
As you can see ConPro has been around for about 2 and a half years and has gone through a lot. It’s amazing considering the goldfish memory and attention span of the internet that ConPro even exists at all today.
**TL;DRL:** There is something special about ConPro and its users. What is it? What makes us better than most? Why does our motto and brand™ resonate with so many? This is the focus of our meta discussion for this weekly.
Discussion ideas:
* Why do you continue to use Consume Product? What’s good about it?
* Have you noticed any change in the Consume Product community? What has gotten better, what has gotten worse in your opinion?
* What would you like to see in the future of ConPro? Why are you not being the change you want to see yet?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (03-06)]( http://www.supersurvey.com/QC5A4XX7Q)◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion]( https://poll.ly/#/GRN63NQ5)
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 81]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141rjSaETx)
* [Weekly 80]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141YkrXODZ)
* [Weekly 79]( https://communities.win/c/ConsumeProduct/p/141YS3UK4k)
2 years ago 4 points (+4 / -0 )
This is HUGE man.
ConPro is safe for the foreseeable future! Well done!
Now let me touch up our CSS please.
We did it pedes! (files.catbox.moe)
posted 2 years ago by happybillmoney in theDonald (+3 / -0 )
Toast message