Joined 2 years ago
Comment points: 245 Post points: 175

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1. ~~A tall sidebar breaks the footer. Noticable on ConsumeProduct.~~ Fixed
2. ~~Access logs were bugged and can't be effectively disabled by admins for existing accounts. [Please check whether you are affected and turn them off]( For privacy reasons these should always be opt-in.~~ Fixed
3. Thumbnail generation for images sometimes causes an internal server error, but the post still goes through. (may have already been unintentionally fixed, haven't noticed any more errors in the logs)
4. ~~Unable to vote from the notifications dropdown. Vote arrows did show up in development.~~ Fixed
5. ~~Commenting on your own post generates a notification~~ Fixed
6. ~~The colored arrow indicator for a comment voted on cascades to all visible child comments.~~ Fixed
7. ~~Blank comment after edit (just a visual bug, it does actually save properly)~~ Fixed
8. ~~Marking modmail as read causes your personal inbox's unread count to go into the negatives until server restart~~ Fixed
9. ~~Incorrect post title length limit~~ Fixed
Please report any if you notice them.
That's what the error was.
removed by administrator
posted 2 years ago by admin in ConsumeProduct (+0 / -0 )
removed by administrator
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