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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
That would be a wonderful, and legendary undertaking. Would take some serious digging on Archive.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Anarchism = Only possible with a highly Eugenic, and Homogenous Society that is separated into small wards.
Though, Anarchism does not really exist, as leadership hierarchies will always form, they will just take on different titles, and structures.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
The issue is that Paganism means "Non Abrahamic" , so.. that poses a challenge when one tries to understand Paganism.. One would need to study about 12 different Religions to get a grasp for "Pagan" ideas.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
We will give special ranking to sites like NationalJusticeParty, and other "news" related sites, as we find them.
But there is value in analyzing news sites like CNN or Fox as well, identifying trends, and sentiments.
And we will scrape local newspapers as well, to identify crime data, and other important happenings.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Do you have any alternative Solutions that you would like to propose?
No Solution is perfect, and sometimes the Solution that is appropriate Right now, will be wrong in 20 years.
The System outlined above is quite similar to the original version of Americanism, and many of the issues that you bring up have happened, and they will happen to some extent in this system as well, they will happen in all systems,.. The ideal is not Utopia or Perfection.
> What happens to my land when I'm "banished"? My children?
Private property Rights should be protected, and if a person that owns land is banished, then he will maintain ownership of his property, and he may sell it, or allow his non banished family to live in it. He may also be able to remain in the Community, if he does not pose a risk to the other members of the community.. In other words he may be banned from participation in the federation, but removal from the community is not warranted.
> What happens when people decide your system is broken and create their own wards and agora and your "society" gets mad and decides that's not ok?
That is ok.. If they can build it better, and people prefer their systems, then that is good for progress in general. This is the ideal of Panarchism, people should be able to compete with the primary society in terms of business, communities, governance, and currency.
> You're speaking from this theoretical nonsense place and making laws that you hope will be upheld in a way you envision without the understanding of how they can be abused and congratulations. You created the current thing.
Everything is theoretical, until it is not. Every system has flaws, and every system needs to be improved , changed as the flaws manifest.
The core of this is not the Wards, and the Agora, and the Laws.. the Core is the system of Values, and the most important Value is Voluntary Association..
If we accomplish nothing at all, other than normalizing Separation, then it is still a major victory.
> Your hopes and desires are good. Your execution is flawed in a LOT of ways and it won't work the way you want it to, and you will make new laws and patch the boat as best you can, clinging to thag vision, until a generation later you are left with an unrecognizable mess.
What we have today is an unrecognizable mess, and the only solution that I see is organized balkanization (Officially or not) and the Minification of every aspect of the system. Problems are less severe when everything is smaller.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
No, we are using a Solana token, but there is a challenge with crypto.. so some alternatives should also be pursued, perhaps something like "Cooperative Shares"
Good evening to all.. A continuation on the strategy for the #ParallelSociety , the marriage of #ParallelEconomy , #ParallelTech , and #ParallelLand .
I have discussed this idea of #CLT across several different channels, and I receive similar responses anywhere that I post.
First people ask me what a #CommunityLandTrust is, second why it is beneficial, and then they ask about the management, and challenges that are inherent when plans , and Systems meet humans. Then they always ask.. how?
I will try to answer a few in brief, as long as my inspiration holds. How first.
First let me mention a few words about the Jeffersonian Ward Republic, and something about Panarchism .
Jefferson referred to his idea of the #WardRepublic as "The article nearest my heart,”
The WR is the fulfillment of Small Government, and a proper Constitutional Republic. In fact the WR is also Panarchist, with a Federal Constitution, and the Führerprinzip, (my own slight modification).
To understand the necessity of #Panarchism, it is to also understand the #NaturalValue of #VoluntaryAssociation.
All Races are equal in their Right before God, but they are not equal in program, ability, behavior, preference, and Destiny.
A Political Scheme cannot be One Race fits all, no.. it must be Panarchy. The Constitution, or the NaturalValues, these are based on Universal Truth, and Reason.. free from Knowledge. These are PanRacial, but the operation , and leadership of the Ward itself should be based on the preferences of the members in the CLT Ward.
Individuals should be free to Disassociate themselves from a Ward, (Not losing Ownership) and they may be banished (Not losing Ownership.). All interactions must always be Voluntary. What I am saying is this. People should have the Right to opt out of the State, but they may not opt out of Law, or Constitution. Each Ward should have the Right to choose the requirements for the Ward demographic. Black people with Blacks, Whites with Whites, jew with jew, or they may even choose to remain free from discrimination. Let them gather on Religion, and give @a his Christian Nationalism. As an American & Constitutional movement the ParallelSociety maintains a separation between Church and State, and from Race & State.
The question will of course be asked, what will hold all of these Wards back from aggression towards other Wards? Here we enter the #Agora .
— the Outcaste,
Individual members are part of and subject to the Society, and their own Ward. Likewise the Ward is subject to the Society. And most Economic opportunities come from the relationship between the Ward and the Agora. Individuals may be banished, and likewise individual Wards that are in Rebellion, they may be banished. In which case the inhabitants of the Ward would lose all access to the Agora, and not to mention all Wards in the #ParSoc enter into Mutual Aid, and Protection pacts with all other Society Wards, and organizations.
Therefore there are 3 primary roles of the Society,
first. To maintain the Treasury at a healthy level,
number two to maintain protective assets,
third to solve disputes between Wards, and members of Wards. The Society does not usually involve itself in the admin of the Ward, however as the Supreme Court, the Society helps to deescalate, and to remove Traitors, Thieves, and Saboteurs from leadership, and the Society.
The Society should own all Tech Infrastructure, and Code, even if the code be #ParallelSource the usage should require auth by the Society.
Sure, you are always welcome to leave, but those looking in do not receive the same perks of those on the inside.
If someone leaves by their own decision, they are welcome back at any time, but if they are Banished, then leadership of the Ward, and at times the Society must approve their readmission.
For all time, the Society will be open to all persons — , all classes , sexes, genders, Races, politics, ability, and religion.
This all is a theory of course, and we will not know how well it works, until we experiment with it. Starting with a Single network of tech Cooperatives, a network of barter, and assistance, business networks, and of course our first physical property.
Before our first ward is Created, we will need to establish Expert Teams, we need a team of Lawyers, a team of Designers, Real Estate, Construction, Gardens, Plumbing, Education, Health, Developers, Accountants, and so on.. many many more teams are needed.
Some people should gain access to the Society by work alone, and some may choose to to contribute in other ways for entry.
The key is in placing everywhere exactly where they belong, and to be prepared for people with multiple skills, and assets.
What we need most Right now would be Accountants, Lawyers, Real Estate, Sales, Marketing, and Dev.. As impressions increase, as awareness spreads these people will all come across our path (*God willing).
That is the How , some of it any way.
Next the why.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
lol, fair score I would say... Some times he is a bit too much for me, but he surely has some talking points that few others have. Interestingly enough he and Brian Grossman have similar ideas, and I wouldn't say that many of mine are too far off.. I just operate with more uncertainty on currently unknowable things, but there is an understanding of probabilities,
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Also... also, she is clearly a Consoomer.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Also, she cute.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
> How did we end up this way
Purposeful destruction of Art, Architecture, Heroes, and Myth.
> A Race without Heroes is a dead or dying Race. - Hitler.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Reject Progressivism, & Conservatism
Embrace Regressivism.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
This is the main search (Mostly small businesses)
This is the image and meme search
We are launching a pretty big update to the standard search soon, and we are also soon launching the web crawler to get many more businesses, and improve the search quality.
I think that Alaska is going to play an important role in our future.
I think that it is also wise to set up villages in many regions, and not only in America. S and C America too, and anywhere in Europe that we can.
The key is a distributed White Economy that can support many Villages, and help them ready Autarky. So the first stage of the Economy is online, and it provides the seed funding for the villages, and local economy like fishing / logging / and markets.
Interesting enough Robert Mathews tried to make the needed money for The Order through logging, but they only made a few thousand, and got impatient.. then they turned to counterfeiting.. That worked for a while, but didn't end so well.
With Search we can help many online, and offline companies to increase their revenue, so it is a win-win.
In consideration of a true #ParallelSociety , we must reject all of the instruments of the illegitimate State. Their licenses, and contracts, and legal systems.
Unincorporated Cooperatives
Unincorporated Villages, and Cities.
Unincorporated Community Land Trusts
Thinking about the construction of our first Eco Village
lets say that 200 people decide to sign up,
the plan is to buy an abandoned city, restore it, and expand it/
then to buy more abandoned cities.
leadership in each city is comprised of only Society members.
Then the land which is owned will only be made available for Society members.
The city should be operated in some ways similar to an HOA.
Each city should be a sanctuary city for the Constitution , and White people.
We could mess around for decades trying to raise the first 3-5 million for our first Village., but we don't have the time.
What we need to do is invest in online business first, and use the revenue to acquire the first town, and many more.
Think about this.. What might we do with 10 Million / monthly profit.
2 New Cities acquired every month, FREE & CLEAR ?
Let the Society members move in first come, first serve?
Let them pay back the loan interest free, at cost?
This is the plan... What might it take to generate 100 million in yearly profit.
It would require for people to start using #ParallelSearch like they use Gab.
No one needs an account to use ParSea, and they don't need to be Right or L.
Anyone that is looking for a small and biased alternative to Google may find it useful/
Do you like Googles politics? Do you still use Google products? Yes.
The best asset to sell is data. The best form of data is buyers and sellers.
A little bit of a lot here, but I think you will see the basic point.
We need lots of money, fast.. we need to buy land, and settle it fast.
The fastest way to make money for the Society, and many Partner companies?
Thank You. RSF
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) 1 child
i really want to start meal prepping, and cut out all goyslopfood..
I've been going to the gym 5 days a week for 6 weeks now, because of peer pressure!
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Very interesting, nice work.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
That is the spirit!
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Operation Crimson Mist should be in here too, uhh.. It is one of the most terrifying operations that I am aware of.
To sum it up, they CAN control peoples minds, and convert them into Zombies.. Not only they can, they DO.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Don't worry bro.. they already cancelled most of those projects.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I have tried to read Nietzsche for at least 5 years, and I failed to understand every time.. It was like listening to chinese,.. just sounds and more sounds..
But recently some how I have been able to start making some sense of what he has to say.
I have known the importance of questioning our assumptions for a while, but I have not until now been able to question Truth itself.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Tfw no Vimanas in neo seoul.
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