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1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
"No doubt exists that all women are crazy; it's only a question of degree." W. C. Fields
The same could be said for stupidity...bitches take to stupidity like a duckling takes to water. Even MENSA bitches embrace their inner retard with gusto, given the opportunity.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Exercise: Walking, swimming, work out on a heavy bag, Wu Qin Xi, Iron Palm training, etc., will do it.
Fuel: Bottled water (Pure Life or Ice Mountain). A shot glass of a herbal liquor (Killepitsch, Kuemmerling, Calisaya, Benedictine, Strega, or Green Chartreuse) before or after supper. Limit junk food. Eat in moderation.
Avoid laxative use; Eating a couple green olives (I prefer with Blue cheese) before every meal, and couple Medjool dates after every meal, will maintain regularity.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Try to find any politican, powerbroker, Hollyweird/Music Industry bigwig, business magnate, billionaire, etc., whose family has not been infiltrated by jews. It ain't no's judaic SOP!
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
The problem with a monarchy is always the monarch. For every good and just ruler, history has shown like fifty megalomaniacal and sociopathic tyrants.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
It'd be more plausible if the jews and their leftist-libtard minions had not shat themselves when Trump was elected, continued their explosive diarrhea throughout his term, and now ramping up their shitfest exponentially as 2024 approaches.
That the jews exercised at least some influence on Trump was never in doubt, but I suspect **some** influence was never enough to satisfy, compared to the damn near blank check they now have. No jew wants to settle for a 'Plan B', if they can have their 'A Game'!
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Yakub? Right in line with the Paul Bunyan nature of habitually lying braggart apes
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Every nail in the coffins of woke geneticists, evolutionary biologists, and similar PC putzes is a damn good nail!
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Not so sure about that one. I have seen no legit examples of proselytization among the various 'denominations' (unless you count the black metal rock groups), nor any drive for world domination, unless you count the xtian hysterics regarding the big bad Illuminati, adrenochrome, Satanic Panic, etc.
I haven't really kept up with satanic groups for over a decade, so I can't say for sure just what they are into these days, plus the scene was (and likely still is) fragmented into diverse 'orders', 'covens', and 'lodges'...each with equally diverse beliefs and practices. Back in the day, LaVeys Church of Satan, Temple of Set, and Order of Nine Angles were THE main choices.
Today? I've no idea, having drifted into the Eastern occultism (Taoist shamanism, Natha Sampradaya, Chinnamasta tantrism, Benje, Bon-pa, etc.), long ago.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2022-09-03 19:46:47 1 child
Jesusfreaks (like the jews most of them bootlick) corrupt from within any group they can infiltrate. Christian Nationalism claims to be focused on preserving the status of a Christian state, but the real goal is twofold...establish christianity as THE state religion (putting them first in line for government patronage and handouts), and secondly, shifting democracy to theocracy as their end goal. When the latter is achieved, freedom of religion will be gone, as it was in the Middle Ages.
As I have said before, the three abrahamic-based religions all want the same thing...control of individual governments, and eventually world dominion. These dirtbags don't care about the White Race. Their sole focus is on the religion, and the numbers game of who has the most converts (or fanatics). A rainbow congregation of true believers is quite acceptable, as is the race mixing and one world government adored by the jews and globalists.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Fei-biao practice. When I started over ten years ago, it was a big secret in the Chinese community, where no one admitted to knowing how to do it. Now it's on damn Youtube, and anyone can learn for free.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Therein lays an Achilles' heel in the leftist's method. As in any war where starving the troops has been tactically applied, this is particularly effective against spoiled brats and skunkapes. A growing belly will go a long way towards breaking down cohesion to the commie cause, and severing jew control.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
As opposed to the choices offered by communism, socialism, and similar forms of dictatorship...which are:
1. You have the choice between State-approved 'A' or dissident 'B', but if you choose the latter, its off to the reeducation camp to make sure you pick the only correct option when asked again.
2. You have the right to choose to do whatever The State demands...or be exiled to the gulag or sent to an unmarked mass grave.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Just as the xtians wish to have their fingers in every pie, so to do the jews demand their rightful and owed place in every gathering. The only thing that separates the three abrahamic-based religions are some words, and slightly different modus operandi....the intent and end goals remain the same.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Outlaws must obey our gun laws. Commies must honor the flag, Constitution and Bill of Rights. Vegans must extend to carnivores the exact same respect they demand. And other such modern-day absurdities.
1 year ago 2 points (+2 / -0 )
Once upon a time not so long ago, there was nobody at Fakebook...Zucky Zoidberg had to pilfer members from Myspace. Same for Reddit, Raddle, etc. Ruqqus started out with few participants, and grew its membership (until the mods and admin got all butthurt, and shut it down). So long as this site does not replicate the mistakes Saidit is now making, likeminded people will trickle in, and if membership grows too large, the leftist hordes will seek to invade en masse.
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