No. The few original communities, ours included, have individual domains owned by one of the moderators. The issue with ours however is that it's owned by a former subreddit mod who presumably has no interest in the .win site.
We used to be in contact in an Element chat, but the 200acres custom server we used mysteriously went offline. We don't have any other contacts. Seeing that it's been almost a year since then and that individual has made no attempt at reaching out on .win or even made an account, I can safely assume he has abandoned us.
It may be time to move finally move the user base here. Not to mention it would also resolve the issue of us having lost contact with the domain owner.
I don't know what's with this obsession to make a site apolitical as if that's going to attract Reddit refugees. No one is going to join a site because of some shitty memes, you might as well just stay on the larger site (Reddit). No amount of front page curation is going to convince people who are off-putted by "muh racist nazis" to stay. At most it's going to make it more palatable for MAGA boomers.
Ruqqus tried to do the same and it failed miserably. They got their support from leftist Discord users, while ignoring all input from the actual user base. In the end they had to resort to censorship, in turn killing the site.
I do wonder how much influence the *no-politics communities* app had on the decision to censor ConsumeProduct from the default "apolitical" front page.
This is the same user who always calls out nazis and wants ConsumeProduct to be shut down for what he calls meaningless hatred of jews. Now he calls people "Jew shills".
Coincidentally he is also on the same page as the pedojeet on many points.