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I Remember As Well - a journey through the remainder of the Cepher Zakaryahu - Stephen Pidgeon [1.21.25]
The book of Zechariah (Cepher Zakaryahu) is the prophecy of he who remembers the words of Yahuah, i.e., Zakar-Yahu. We have previously looked closely at Chapters 1-6, and now we will take a look at the rest of this incredible set of prophecies. It seems each chapter reveals something more.
 "We are Priests" with Jessica Knock and Dr. Stephen Pidgeon - Eatin Wild Honey and Locusts [1.27.05]
We continue our study on "idolatry" through the scriptural lenses of Malachi and the consequences for not walking in righteousness.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
I liked the idea of Colemak, but it never became faster than QWERTY for me:
Dvorak seems interesting just older
I saw some people promote "Halmak" but it's a minority interest (may have been an attempt to tweak Colemak)
The Carpalx people have some exotic designs:
Of course going in a different direction is stenography, the open steno project:
or the Characorder:
Have you tried an alternative keyboard layout to QWERTY or an alternative to keyboard designs altogether with steno?
It's the summertime when some take more time off or vacations
Any tips on where to go (local or at a distance), what to do, what to pack?
General travel and 'cation post
1 Corinthians 14: The Purpose of Prophecy and the Gift of Tongues - David Leone [3.18.20]
(The spirit in Corinth - temple prostitutes, Oedepus, oracles, Isaiah 28, the Cyrus story, Gaia, Montanism, the See, Rome, Hegel, Post modernism, narcissism, Trans-humanism, and Patricide.)
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
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~ u/Elvis_Interstellar on
Review of Mistbox with commentary:
I guess the idea is to use evaporative cooling to keep HVAC units cool when it's hot?
Do these kinds of things work or is there a way to make them work?
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in ConsumeProduct (+3 / -0 / +31Score on mirror )
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in ConsumeProduct (+3 / -0 / +29Score on mirror )
Rev 1:19 Write the things את which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which shall be hereafter...
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+1 / -0 )
Intergalactic Warp Ring (
posted 1 year ago by NiggerPete in general (+0 / -0 )
Another warp ring can be seen in the distance
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in Activism (+2 / -0 ) Edited 2023-07-04 17:57:27
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+2 / -0 )
Who Died During the Plandemonium? Exhibit B: Africa (
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in general (+1 / -0 )
Who Died During the Plandemonium? Exhibit B: Africa
“The deaths of so many African leaders is so statistically jarring that a paper was published in the BMJ on the topic (Falisse et al, 2021). Suggestions that public policy might have driven the deaths diverges with the observation of low COVID-19 morbidity among the nations of Africa, even if underreporting of cases is true.
Deaths of African officials notably stopped almost entirely after vaccines were rolled out, which is surprising given that the reverse trend took place among the general populations.”
Who Died During the Plandemonium? Exhibit A - Plandemonium, Part 2 MATHEW CRAWFORD
The Plandemonium Timeline Project, Part 2: Died Suspiciously (N.B. Comments)
Did Jesus die, was he buried, and what happened afterward? Atheist Antony Flew and Christian historian and apologist Gary Habermas discuss the facts surrounding the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. | Cal Poly, 2003
[Flat Earth - why the lie? They are hiding the Creator. - Dr Anthony Flew and Dr Gary Habermas [1.57.05]
”This is not a flat earth discussion. This is actually a debate about the resurrection of Jesus. But at the time stamp 1:05:00 till 1:11:30, the atheist professor Antony Flew, offers unknowingly the ultimate reason why they, whoever they are, have to have all the people believe we live on a globe and not on a flat earth. Watch the whole debate to understand, where professor Flew is coming from denying the existence of the Creator.]
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Eco-Friendly Fireworks Alternatives (
posted 1 year ago by sparrow in ConsumeProduct (+1 / -0 )
Some could save money too
I mean when you think about it, fireworks are often a bunch of lights and sound, which could be replicated in other ways
Some of the ideas that came up or I tried to think of were:
-laser light display
-glow sticks
-firecracker pinata
-break old things (like a rage room)
-bubble wrap popping
-elephant toothpaste (edit: like diet coke / mentos chemical reactions)
-fireworkless rockets
-fly drone / rc planes
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