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posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+3 / -0 )
**Did you know?**
Barack Obama's father, Baraka Senior, was the Coon of the Congo. Not only have white people turned a term for African ROYALTY (Coon) into an offensive word, just like they did with the word "negus", but they always hide the origins of our people and use it against us. **Educate** yourselves!
Say it loud and proud, my fellow Black truth-seekers! We were not Kings: that's just white people speak.
We were **coons!** We were **neguses!**
Why do you think that America overthrew Saddam Hussein?
It's because Saddam was Black and Sudanese. His real name was Sudan Hussein; that is, Black Hussein.
White men were afraid that the Ba'ath Party, a pan-African political party, would bring about a Black awakening and a revolution in the Black lands of Arabia. A gazillion Black men died in the American invasion of Iraq.
Adolf Hitler, Karl Marx and Sudan Hussein were all Black men. 'Adolf Hitler' was in fact Ugandan. His father was Ugandan tribal chief Tittitsu Kananura. Adolf Kananura and his brother Yedolf Kananura both immigrated to Black Germany and eventually took the honourary title 'Nigler', which roughly translates to 'Jew-killer'. There, they tried to fulfill the destiny of the Black race, which is to exterminate all Jews. However, they have since been whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin, which is why the name 'Nigler' is now 'Hitler' and most photos strangely depict him as white.
Black man Karl Marx invented Marxism. Black man Marcus Garvey of Jamaica invented Fascism. Black man Bentu M'seli of the It'ali tribe was the first to implement Fascism on a national scale in the whitewashed nation now called 'Italy'.
Black man Adolf Kananura a.k.a. Adolf Fried-Schickengruber, a.k.a. Adolf Nigler a.k.a. Adolf Hitler, after his whitewashing by the OSS and Charlie Chaplin, was the Führer of Black Germany.
Black man Yedolf Kananura a.k.a. Yedolf Fried-Schickengruber a.k.a. Yedolf Nigler a.k.a. Yedolf West was Adolf's brother, a senior figure in the government of National Socialist Black Germany and the father of Kanye West.
Kanye West is thus the nephew of Adolf Hitler.
Learn your REAL history and spread the TRUTH, my fellow truthseeking Black brothers and sisters.
It has recently been documented on this sub that the secretly Ugandan real Führer of Black National Socialist Germany, Adolf Nigler a.k.a. Adolf Fried-Schickengruber a.k.a. Adolf 'Hitler', was Black, and that Kanye West is Adolf's nephew.
But what people have yet to learn is that Karl Marx was also a Black man.
World War II was thus fought between the adherents of two Black ideologies that have been whitewashed by the OSS and the Jewish media working in tandem with hired Jewish actor Charlie Chaplin.
> All writers on the spiritual life uniformly recommend, nay, command under penalty of total failure, the practice of silence. And yet, despite this there is perhaps no rule for spiritual advancement more inveighed against, by those who have not even mastered its rudiments, than that of silence. Even under the old Dispensation its value was known, taught, and practised. Holy Scripture warns us of the perils of the tongue, as "Death and life are in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21). Nor is this advice less insisted on in the New Testament; witness: "If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man" (St. James 3:2 sq.). The same doctrine is inculcated in innumerable other places of the inspired writings. The pagans themselves understood the dangers arising from unguarded speech. Pythagoras imposed a strict rule of silence on his disciples; the vestal virgins also were bound to severe silence for long years. Many similar examples could be quoted.
> Silence may be viewed from a threefold standpoint:
> 1. As an aid to the practice of good, for we keep silence with man, in order the better to speak with God, because an unguarded tongue dissipates the soul, rendering the mind almost, if not quite, incapable of prayer. The mere abstaining from speech, without this purpose, would be that "idle silence" which St. Ambrose so strongly condemns.
> 2. As a preventative of evil. Senica, quoted by Thomas à Kempis complains that "As often as I have been amongst men, I have returned less a man" (Imitation, Book I, c. 20).
> 3. The practice of silence involves much self-denial and restraint, and is therefore a wholesome penance, and as such is needed by all.
> From the foregoing it will be readily understood why all founders of religious orders and congregations, even those devoted to the service of the poor, the infirm, the ignorant, and other external works, have insisted on this, more or less severely according to the nature of their occupations, as one of the essential rules of their institutes. It was St. Benedict who first laid down the clearest and most strict laws regarding the observance of silence. In all monasteries, of every order, there are special places, called the "Regular Places" (church, refectory, dormitory etc.) and particular times, especially the night hours, termed the "Great Silence", wherein speaking is more strictly prohibited. Outside these places and times there are usually accorded "recreations" during which conversation is permitted, governed by rules of charity and moderation, though useless and idle words are universally forbidden in all times and places. Of course in active orders the members speak according to the needs of their various duties. It was perhaps the Cistercian Order alone that admitted no relaxation from the strict rule of silence, which severity is still maintained amongst the Reformed Cistercians (Trappists) though all other contemplative Orders (Carthusians, Carmelites, Camaldolese etc.) are much more strict on this point than those engaged in active works. In order to avoid the necessity of speaking, many orders (Cistercians, Dominicans, Discalced Carmelites etc.) have a certain number of signs, by means of which the religious may have a limited communication with each other for the necessities that are unavoidable.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in Frenworld (+4 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Goyslop](
In this weekly we CONSOOM Goyslop! Yummy, yummy goyslop in my tummy. Yes, I will take two supersized quadruple beyond meat™ double quarter pounders with a large fry and a large Coca Cola ™ with a shot of extra goysyrup plzzzzzzzz ty ♥ XOXOX. Geeze, where did all my money go this month?
The goal of this weekly is to cover the phenomenon of [Goyslop]( For those unfamiliar with that term, urban dictionary provides us with some good definitions. In general, goyslop is any poor nutritional value -- overly processed foods and drinks that “taste good” but are unquestionably bad for you. The kind of food they tell you “it’s ok to eat every once and awhile” but you end up eating far more often than you should. These are the junk foods that are more commonly being consumed as staples like fast food, take out, chips etc…
A prime goal of this weekly is to share foods that you might not realize is goyslop and share healthy alternatives.
Discussion ideas:
* Share goyslop you’ve consooomed! Or know that others consoom!
* What makes something goyslop, why is goyslop so prevalent? i.e. why have junk foods seemingly become the norm?
* Share alternatives to goyslop. E.g., avoid these kinds of foods and ingredients and choose these instead, share an easy recipe to try, etc..
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (02-12)](
* [Suggest a new weekly themes to be added to the list](
# Previous Weeklies:
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Leave new suggestions in the comments.
While in church today, my pastor was preaching out of Acts. It was a very casual late service, starts at 11:45 (I like to treat my Sabbaths as Sabbaths), though usually I arrive for an earlier service. Nonetheless I was up late the night before, and woke up very late. So I rolled out of bed. My hair was scruffy, I had to choose in what ways to clean myself up, I did not have time for a shower.
So I choose to brush my teeth, spray a little deodorant, wash my face. My hair? Run my hand through it 3 times... "No time. Just wear a hat."
In the middle of the service, I'm told to take my hat off. Not by anyone around me, not by anyone I know. Not by myself. But I am told to take off my hat. I've experienced God speaking to me in multiple ways, including - when I was young - with a physical voice (a strong whisper, in the middle of an empty quiet street, in a quiet neighborhood, unmistakeably His). But by far the most common way I have been spoken to, is through instant, intrusive vocal and verbal thoughts. Words that I know aren't physical, and certainly aren't mine.
He told me plainly, and simply, "take off your hat". Just those four words. Self conscious fear filled me. My hair is the center of my small amount of prideful vanity. But prideful vanity it is nonetheless. My pastor went on and on, a feeling of droning flowed from my ears to my mind and soul, not from his tone but from his length on touching this particular subject.
Paraphrasing, "We don't like to open our box of failures and mistakes, especially in front of others. Our pride steps in and prevents us in every way it can. We will make every excuse to keep that box closed." I shamefully did not take my hat off immediately. A very shameful 3 minutes passed in my mind and heart as I sat there with my hat still on. Until I realized, "*if I can't sacrifice this miniscule passion of vanity here in the house of my Father, for my Father, among my own people, my own Christians, then how can I ever hope to beat any other vice, how can I ever hope to accomplish anything greater than removing my own hat for the Lord and His Kingdom?*" The answer is, I can't. Not in any serious or consisten capacity, at least.
So as my pastors words kept chipping away at my pathetic vanity, I took my hat off.
And about 5 seconds later, the Lord immediately told me to take off my jacket. Why? More pathetic vanity. Because when I look in the mirror I think, "Hmm, my arms are too small. My shoulders should be bulkier, my stomach isn't bad but has grown a little since I stopped doing cardio.". So, I took my jacket off.
I've accomplished things for the Lord before, some very good things, but my passions were largely yet to develop. Now I am older, wiser, smarter, more physically fit, and a more prideful, more vain, more foolish, more self centered failure than I've ever been before.
That is the answer as to why I cannot accomplish anything for the Lord like I used to, why I can't accomplish anything greater than I used to. Here I am trying to put great things together, here I am trying to conquer my greatest problems, all while I can't take off my hat or jacket for prideful vanity.
I have learned now, that to improve, especially for the Lord, that not only must you build a firm foundation to live upon, but in order to do so, you must first find the bedrock of your soul. No foundation built on the forest or desert floor can withstand the weight of your battle against the passions. I have learned new meaning in the knowledge that no foundation can be built on sand. You must dig through the topsoil and remove it. Then you must slog through the rocket, gravely earth below it (you know, the kind that is just too big for your spade, but not big enough to justify a skid-steer or excavator). Then you must sweat and toil through the hardpan. When when you reach the cracked boulder below it, you must bloody your hands while desperately trying to split it. And you must haul that bouldee out of that deep, dark, filthy pit.
Only then have you removed that terrible, deadly sin that you must destroy. Only then are you able to build on the bedrock on which the Kingdom of God will sit upon in your soul, heart, and in your physical life.
But you're never going to get there without removing that topsoil. You can't. It's physically impossible.
First, you have to take off that hat.
Nestled in the mountains between France and Spain, there is a semi-isolated population of native European people that have long puzzled anthropologists, linguists, and historians, because although they are Caucasoid, they do not fit in with the rest of the European populations.
Atlantain Affinities between these peoples
Ancient Pre-Pharaonic Egyyptians
West African Berbers
Canary Island Guances
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
Any platform for that matter. remember to tend your digital garden. Plant. Prune. Guide. Uproot and replant where needed.
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in ConsumeProduct (+5 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in Frenworld (+4 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+2 / -0 )
Improvised!? (
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in NatSocShitposting (+3 / -0 )
The Niggering (
posted 1 year ago by Uncle_Adolf in Dieversity (+2 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by EJGeneric in NationalSocialism (+5 / -0 )
The Dig - the unknown god of America - Stephen Pidgeon with Jennifer Heath, Jessica Knock, and John Barr [2.00.41]
The Pledge of Allegiance is a curious oath - a pledge to a flag, rather than to a nation, rather than to a form of government, rather than to a society; instead we have a pledge of allegiance to the flag of a nation "under God". Unfortunately, this god is not named. Rather it is assumed that we all know the God that is being discussed. However, the ambiguity has left a lot of room for those who worship an unknown god to make the pledge with zeal, and yet continue on their path toward the god they serve.
When we read scripture we see a call to worship only the true Elohiym of Avraham, Yitschaq, and Ya'aqov, and to have no others before Yahuah. But there most assuredly is a god before Yahuah in the United States, and we are soon going to prove this proposition. Stay with us on the Dig as we explore this proposition.
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