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Walter Veith - Big Bang Or Big GOD: The Earth Is A Witness [33.15]
Was it the irrepressible force of a big bang that brought forth the universe and triggered the development of life? Or is this old, holy book right whose mysterious 66 writings begin with the simple words: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth?
Evolution or creation: two world views that could hardly be more diverse, with far-reaching consequences for mankind.
This event is a clear plea for the fact that man is not a product of chance but carries the ingenious handwriting of a loving creator. It is time for a new enlightenment, one that makes sense instead of robbing it, one that does not take God from us but brings Him back.
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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Sudden Death](
Continuing with our theme of conoooooooospiracy theories, in this weekly we consooooooom the COVID19 VAX. Experts will attribute news stories of sudden deaths in young people from strokes, blood clots, and heart attacks due to factors such as diet, sleep, and genetics. Some suggest that these sudden deaths among young people may be correlated with the COVID-19 vaccine. However, these claims are promptly dismissed by the same experts who recommended the vaccine. It begs the question: is it far-fetched to consider that some health issues could be linked to the vaccine, and why can't this possibility be at least explored?
Discussion ideas:
* What is your opinion on the apparent increase in deaths of young people from illness that are typically associated with older people?
* Do you know of any stories (IRL or from news) of people getting seriously ill after getting the covid 19 vaccine?
* Why is it taboo to suggest the covid 19 vaccine may have harmful side effects?
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posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Michael S. Heiser - A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? by Gwen Frangs / Cambridge, UK / December 2020
In his book The Unseen Realm, Michael Heiser teaches that God was speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26 when He said: ‘… let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness’. Dr. Heiser says that the reason that it is the divine council that is being spoken to in Genesis 1:26 is because technical research in Hebrew grammar and exegesis has shown that the Trinity is not a coherent explanation… He then asserts that seeing the Trinity in Genesis 1:26 is reading the New Testament back into the Old Testament and that this is not a sound interpretive method for discerning what an Old Testament writer was thinking. He further argues that there are no Trinitarian phrases in the Old Testament and that the ‘plural of Majesty’ does not exist in Hebrew. He is absolutely correct about all of this.
However, while there may be no evidence for the Trinity in Genesis 1:26, it is very clear that there is another Person of the Godhead present in Genesis 1 besides the Father. The Holy Spirit is described in Genesis 1:2 as hovering over the face of the deep. Proving that the Trinity does not exist in Genesis 1:26, is not the same thing as proving that the Holy Spirit does not exist in Genesis 1:2. Dr. Heiser does not provide any evidence proving that Genesis 1:2 does not refer to the Holy Spirit before claiming that God is speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26.
Michael Heiser’s Divine Council Heresy - Topics in Biblical Studies: Heiser's Heresy
Satan has been working hard over centuries to remove the knowledge of Who the Holy Spirit really is from the church. He has succeeded so well that most people probably don’t bat an eyelid when they read in Michael Heiser’s The Unseen Realm that God is speaking to the divine council in Genesis 1:26. However, when you understand Who the Holy Spirit is, then you begin to realize how serious what Dr. Heiser has done by cutting the Holy Spirit out of Genesis 1:26 is.
Yeah, hath God said …? Heare, O Israel, the Lord our God is three in one - joogler66 [1.08.59]
It takes nothing to go with the crowd, but it takes everything to stand alone.
I stand with Christ rather than the world. How about you? Are you praying to the unknown God of a trinity, or do you understand that God YHWH is ONE?
Exploding the Israel Deception Study
First book read in this study:
A History Of The Origin Of The Doctrine Of The Trinity In The Christian Church : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Playlist Yea, hath God said…?
A Study: Notes:
In the Scriptures, kings are called gods, and so their power after a certain relation compared to the Divine power.
"The LORD said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand."
"Yahweh said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand"
The Trinity Delusion: Psalm 110:1
Numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should lie, neither the sonne of man, that hee should repent: hath he said, and shall he not doe it? or, hath hee spoken, and shall he not make it good?
Websites and You Tube channels that expose the trinity lie and support biblical Monotheism:
The Trinity Delusion: The False Doctrine of the Trinity
Bill Schlegel - YouTube
21st Century Reformation - YouTube
The Trinity Delusion - YouTube
And many others i do not even know yet ...
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Revelation 20: Part 10 - Karl Tester [20.46]
In this part we look at whether or not "the souls of them" mentioned in Rev 20:4 leans itself in the direction of the symbolic amillennial interpretation and also whether or not Rev 20:4 is talking about an exclusive company of Christian martyrs.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
World Health Organisation is rotting from the head [2.03]
Former terrorist Tedros Ghebreyesus will not fire 83 WHO staff engaged in abuse including rape and forced abortions, with one victim 13, claiming rape and forced abortion do not violate WHO’s policies because the victims were not receiving WHO aid.
155 WUP Walter Veith & Martin Smith - Creation vs Evolution, Is Science Right And The Bible Wrong? [1.16.30]
In Episode 155 we discuss one of the biggest arguments against God and the Bible, namely that God created everything and not chance. Did life evolve over millions of years or was it created by a loving Creator? When Walter realised that there were serious questions left unanswered in the evolution theory, he penned down 10 questions during a high level discussion class at the University. In this episode we look at those questions, to see what the answers are.
posted 1 year ago by doginventer in Christianity (+0 / -0 )
Josephus’s Paraphrase Style and the Testimonium Flavianum - Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus (2022)
Josephus' Account of Jesus: The Testimonium Flavianum
The earliest description of Jesus outside of the Gospels is found in Josephus' Jewish Antiquities. Yet for centuries scholars have doubted that a Jewish writer could have written an account that contains basic tenets of Christian belief. This conflict is resolved by understanding the source of Josephus' composition.
In the following article published in 2022, Josephus's methods for paraphrasing his sources are examined in depth.
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