If you search on a search engine for "no goals" or "life without goals" you get some sites that emphasize the importance of setting and achieving goals, but there are some other voices who say that setting goals is often an issue for them, so they try to live without goals.
Some of the problems they indicate are that goals often end up being achieved differently or on a different schedule, so it seems pointless to set goals, or they can get things done without making it in to a "goal".
I was curious if you've seen this philosophy and experimented with it: what are your opinions on "living without goals"?
On the positive side, I have consistently done well taking advantage of fluke opportunities and pivoting from disaster.
On the downside, I'm extremely bad at pursuing the goals I do have.
If you wish to live without goals, my two bits of advice are: keep yourself prepared to chase any opportunities which present and occasionally chase small goals, just to retain the ability.