3 years ago3 points(+3/-0)Edited 2022-02-26 22:45:08
There are two types that cause me particular discomfort. ones that start pacing around and talking to themselves make me really, really fucking uncomfortable. White crackheads don't do this quite as much as the black ones.
Then you've got the motherfuckers to whom manners are a fucking enigma, who want to make a precarious situation out of anything, violent, emotional, unpredictable.
Nevertheless, I have tried to understand the negro and I have leveled with him - and he is often complicit to all the ill manners that his brethren bring with them. relaxing is a difficult thing when one understands that stealing from the store is seen as "in they budget", among other peculiar juxtapositions of logic that I would never want to see in a small town struggling to get by.
By then I slowly but surely began to recognize that perhaps we were not broadly compatible, although I always instinctively knew it to be true. Growing up among them was enough, but for a time I held onto liberal virtues in earnest fear of being labelled a racist for merely noticing the differences.
From culture to culture we vary enough to make war among our our kin, but to say so about someone of another tribe is of course taboo and vile in the modern world. Strange isn't it?