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posted 10 months ago by Uncle_Adolf (+4 / -0 / +223Score on mirror )
I’m sure there are presidents to that, many if we just instinctively think that.
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BringTheCat789 on
10 months ago 30 points (+0 / -0 / +30Score on mirror ) 2 children
It's amazing because they *try* to use that as an insult, but it never works. Nobody is actually offended to be called "white." It's moreso just a joke.

But if you said "Mighty black of you" when someone, I dunno, steals a TV, be ready for instant violence.

This is because everyone knows white is right and everyone, even black people, knows black is inferior.

Same reason being called straight isn't an insult, but being called gay is.

This is also why we're constantly switching terms around to describe these things because the previous one becomes an insult. Did you know the original, completely PC word for a retard was "moron"? Then that became an insult, so we switched to retard, then that became an insult, so we switched to mentally handicapped, now that's an insult.

The reality is that it's not the word that's the insult, it's the concept. So when we switch from nigger to negro to black to African American to PoC to Black, recognize it's because being black will always be an insult and they are desperate to find a word that escapes it.
ShortestTalent on
10 months ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
emperor_nero on
10 months ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
You nailed it.
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