In high school I was the cartoonist on the school news paper. I made a strip about a slob that worked in the school cafeteria. The name of the strip was Hymie, as was the main characters name. I didn’t know it was some kind of a slur. I must have heard it on tv and thought it was a funny name.
That strip was printed a dozen or so times before a teacher on the faculty noticed and made a stink about it. They shut me down. I was running out of cafeteria gags anyway, so I didn’t care.
Words to use at work/school daily to impress your co-workers with your enriched vocabulary!
Try some today!
- kike
- shylock
- hebe
- Heeb
- jesuskiller
- ovendodger
- kikey
- sheenie
- Sheeny
- Dreidl
- Big Nose
- Hymie
- Himey
- 10% Off
- Bible-Shortener
- ChristKiller
- Hooknose
- Bloodsucker
- Circle-K
- Zionist
- Cliptip
- Tinyhat
- Bagelnigger
- German Candle
- Bagelstein
- Goldberg
- Jew Yorker
- Matza-Gobbler
- Lamp Shade
- Tribalist
- Penny Chaser
- yid
- Coin clipper
- globoshlomo
Even "Jew" !!!! Saying "Jew" in a sentence not praising a Jew is somehow a misuse of the word Jew!