Israeli Tel Aviv University received $615 million in grants from the US in 2023, according to its Form 990 filing, a document required for tax-exempt organizations.
Im so mad thr reat of my comment was erased UGH
Im so mad thr reat of my comment was erased UGH
An IDF soldier in israel asked the bank if his debts could be forgiven.
They said no.
If it were not for extremely rare kikes like Bobby Fisher and Emil Maurice, it would be difficult to believe what happened next.
The debt is owed mostly to jew usury hives that exploit ignorant white kids and their boomer parents, leave the usurers with *nothing*. Tell the banks they cant give out student loans to anyone anymore unless theyre someone whos already established and pursuing a masters or a PHD, the entire scam will dry up overnight.
edit: also I'm not sure this is as needed as just getting rid of school accreditation and licensing requirements. You shouldn't need a degree for a job, or all kinds of permits to open businesses. Then let the "free market" sort it out and enrich people enough to pay these unjust debts, I'm sure a lot of people would still go to some kind of educational program for a lot of things like being a medical professional, but there's often not a need for you to need "papers, please" to do a lot of these jobs, and even for something like the medical profession you could have lots of hired "unqualified" people as long as there's at least one qualified person overseeing what they're doing, and so on
(a lot of fields operate this way but we have allowed certain industries to get over-regulated for no reason really)