26 days ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
Slavery was ended mostly by the actions of William Wilberforce, a British Protestant. His name is mostly unknown today and his people receive no gratitude for his actions. Before Wilberforce, slavery was an accepted part of all human cultures.
haha i told one of my regular customers today i am anti-zionist
now i just risked losing a contract of someone who pays me money every week.
you know what? so what?
if she rejects me for that or soon after then i know she took issue with me saying it and then i can just replace her with another customer. But women believe and follow whatever strong men think. So if women who want to fuck vlad the impaler hear vlad the impaler say we should gas jews, these women who want to fuck will agree we should gas jews. LOL
I found the full version: https://dn720306.ca.archive.org/0/items/david-duke-shocking-jewish-role-in-slavery/David%20Duke-%20Shocking%20Jewish%20Role%20in%20Slavery.mp4
Whites do it, jews steal it and get the fame.