28 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)2 children
u/BeefyBelisarius u/Antifeministlegend_2 u/Hanspasstherope this one might be worth sharing to c/MGTOW too because a HUGE part of the MGTOW movement is their hatred of "divorce rape".
I think this one, the feminism one, and the pornography one I made a few days ago:
These should be sufficient to Jew-pill a lot of the MGTOW guys.
The only other thing I can think of is showing how the Jews are behind the sexual revolution in general (i.e. Jew Wilhelm Reich)... That, on top of these 3, should make many MGTOW guys start believing that it's the Jews creating the social problems they (rightfully) hate.
28 days ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
You might also want to mention that the first modern no fault divorce law was in Russia, right after the commie revolution, though communism being judaic is a whole 'nother can of worms. Might also be useful to find the names behind that "modernized" model divorce law lawyer associations were pushing throughout the states.
I think this one, the feminism one, and the pornography one I made a few days ago:
These should be sufficient to Jew-pill a lot of the MGTOW guys.
The only other thing I can think of is showing how the Jews are behind the sexual revolution in general (i.e. Jew Wilhelm Reich)... That, on top of these 3, should make many MGTOW guys start believing that it's the Jews creating the social problems they (rightfully) hate.