28 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Which is retarded, because the lolbert faggots voted with the shitlibs to enshrine abortion into the Ohio state constitution. Meanwhile those who are not only against abortion, but porn and fornication as well would absolutely support this law. It's like when whores announced they'd go on a 'sex strike' until abortion is protected with federal law and we're all like "your terms are acceptable".
>There are some exceptions, such as when protection or contraceptions are used during sex. It also wouldn’t apply when an individual is masturbating, donating sperm, or if the intercourse takes place between members of the LGBTQ+ community and thus doesn’t “produce ova.”
Ah so it only penalizes fornication. Sad. Interesting they admit faggotry isnt actual sex though
28 days ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
It's actually much, much stupider then that. The bill actually is about "expullsion of DNA" or something like that, not ejaculation. I don't remember the exact wording but by the "black letter of the law" you could get fined for getting a paper cut or losing an eyelash somewhere.
Actually based if they intend to pass it, this makes Sodomy and Masturbation effectively illegal, probably some jew attempt at creating precedent to ban laws like this though.