28 days ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
Over 1/4 million federal employees didn't just get fired?
You are too fucking retarded and doomer to bother talking to.
All you do is cry.
Have you considered registering with the the ADL, JIDF or Hasbara because they'd pay you to doom? Why be a slut for the jew when you can be a whore for the jew?
Go get your alts to up-vote yourself, fantasize about White Christians dying and fuck off back into your cry-closet.
28 days ago3 points(+1/-0/+2Score on mirror)1 child
>Over 1/4 million federal employees didn't just get fired?
[No?](https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/13/trump-federal-worker-layoffs-00204180) That’s five hours ago. I see the 75,000 who quit (FULL PAY AND BENEFITS, GOYIM! AND THEN YOU CAN JUST GET ANOTHER JOB IN THE GOVERNMENT AGAIN!) and a few thousand who are being reassigned. Nothing like what you’re suggesting. And, again, *that wouldn’t be allowed by courts*, which will simply order them back to work.
>You are too fucking retarded and doomer to bother talking to.
Thanks for admitting you have nothing even resembling an argument, despite ostensibly having the physical capability of providing a citation for your claim in your very first post.
>All you do is cry.
No, that’s mocking you. You can tell by the use of the > symbol.
>Have you considered registering with the the ADL, JIDF or Hasbara because they'd pay you to doom?
Have you considered disproving anything I’ve said?
>Why be a slut for the jew
So stop posting things only jews say. Shouldn’t be that hard, right?
>Go get your alts to up-vote yourself
Reported for libel. It has been repeatedly proven I have one account.
28 days ago-2 points(+0/-0/-2Score on mirror)1 child
Nobody reads your slide-shill doomer comments.
The only attention you get is from your vote-manipulating alts when you instantly up-vote all of your own comments and down-vote everyone else. Yay - you win the Reddit imaginary internet point game every time! So pathetic it's comical.
28 days ago-1 points(+0/-0/-1Score on mirror)Edited 2025-02-14 16:53:49
>Over 1/4 million federal employees fired…
Not even close to correct.
>the greatest purge in US history…
LOL, the greatest replacement of one set of jew puppets for another. Easy.
>and you cry harder
Thanks for asserting something that never happened.
>that a Globohomo kike
Thanks for admitting you're functionally illiterate.
[The fact that he's heavily involved with jews isn't enough for you?](https://www.israelhayom.com/2020/10/16/fred-and-donald-trumps-jewish-connection/) [The fact that he ***worships*** jews (like you do) isn't enough for you?](https://communities.win/c/thezognald/p/19A12py8Ns/trumps-christian-zionism-lets-fi/c/4ZHkau9sdVv)
LOL and LMAO even.
>Or are you kvetching over problems that exist only in your fantasies?
Thanks for admitting that you have no argument and choose to reject objective reality.
>I can't express how happy your sadness makes me feel
You're clinically insane and delusional.
>Rabbi Shmuley
LOL. Imagine being this retarded and not knowing who the [original creator of the Megathread is](https://scored.co/c/ConsumeProduct/p/199OTn0LOZ/jew-noticing-megathread/c).
>a.k.a Tallest_Kike
I love the part where you actually provided proof of your claims. Oh wait... ***You didn't***.
**FUCK OFF** back to your containment board over on [TheZOGnald.lose](https://scored.co/c/TheDonald) or the [Qultist](https://scored.co/c/GreatAwakening) board.
You are too fucking retarded and doomer to bother talking to.
All you do is cry.
Have you considered registering with the the ADL, JIDF or Hasbara because they'd pay you to doom? Why be a slut for the jew when you can be a whore for the jew?
Go get your alts to up-vote yourself, fantasize about White Christians dying and fuck off back into your cry-closet.
[No?](https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/13/trump-federal-worker-layoffs-00204180) That’s five hours ago. I see the 75,000 who quit (FULL PAY AND BENEFITS, GOYIM! AND THEN YOU CAN JUST GET ANOTHER JOB IN THE GOVERNMENT AGAIN!) and a few thousand who are being reassigned. Nothing like what you’re suggesting. And, again, *that wouldn’t be allowed by courts*, which will simply order them back to work.
>You are too fucking retarded and doomer to bother talking to.
Thanks for admitting you have nothing even resembling an argument, despite ostensibly having the physical capability of providing a citation for your claim in your very first post.
>All you do is cry.
No, that’s mocking you. You can tell by the use of the > symbol.
>Have you considered registering with the the ADL, JIDF or Hasbara because they'd pay you to doom?
Have you considered disproving anything I’ve said?
>Why be a slut for the jew
So stop posting things only jews say. Shouldn’t be that hard, right?
>Go get your alts to up-vote yourself
Reported for libel. It has been repeatedly proven I have one account.
>fantasize about White Christians dying
The jew cries out in pain as it strikes you.
See. You’re the one crying.
Reply, paid shill.
The only attention you get is from your vote-manipulating alts when you instantly up-vote all of your own comments and down-vote everyone else. Yay - you win the Reddit imaginary internet point game every time! So pathetic it's comical.
Cry harder faggot.