29 days ago12 points(+0/-0/+12Score on mirror)1 child
it really is not that surprising for me the use of the swastika. The Swastika was very heavily used everywhere. There where alot of companies in the US that part of their logo incorporated the Swastika but all that disappeared because of the magic ovens.
and I digress
It's also NOT being folded. [HERE](https://i.etsystatic.com/16110664/r/il/2bc161/4419210104/il_794xN.4419210104_5poh.jpg) is an image of the full note.
29 days ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)3 children
I've been learning more and more about Russia, Eastern Europe and the jews by following along to this series. So far Pete and Dr. Johnson have only gotten up to the 1850s on the timeline.
[Reading Solzhenitsyn's '200 Years Together' w/ Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson - Part 11](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ansIER31Yw)
I read like 50 pages of this book last year, but having an expert on Russia and the jews explaining context has been a real eye opener. Who and what a jew is makes a lot of sense. The Czar Nicolus era is a bit unknown to me but the context of things to come are coming to life in my mind.
I wish the character limit on scored.co was MUCH higher so everything can fit in the OP. That's one thing that Arete does right. It has a *far* higher character count for posts.
Anyhow, the more truth that is exposed about the jews, the better off this world will be and hopefully the angrier the normies will get at them.
>The first reaction to truth is hatred.
– Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullianus
29 days ago1 point(+0/-0/+1Score on mirror)1 child
I thought this would definitely interest you. I am spread so thin as of right now I am not able to really dig into things like i use too. just listened to a part of this. It sounds right up my ally. I will have to put this into my que when i get to i will get too
i hear ya. Im on the road again so it is best for me to have some audi like this playing in the truck. I just dont have the time right now to read while working 80 hrs a week
holy shit, my father used to collect coins and currency back when we lived in ussr. he had this same bill and i've never even noticed. i spoke to him on the phone about this just now and texted him the image and he couldn't believe he never noticed it.
I wonder if it had the connotation of a Hooked Cross there like it did in germany, or was based on the older Axis of Heaven used to discern the seasons for planting?
every day a new piece of resl history unravels
and I digress