Mud people do not experience shame like Whites, who experience entirely too much of it. In the mud world, "face" is only used to prop up a lie. It's not something that inspires you to modify your behavior for the sake of good. Also there is no reason to send Central Asian Muslims to Ireland of all places, unless the goal were to genocide the Irish. It would be like sending Somalis to Alaska or the Falkland Islands.
Kill ALL of them. The response these mud rats should be met with is a simple approach on the street, drawing a pistol, put a bullet in their head, holster, and continue with your day.
I'd genuinely nonchalantly execute these scum on the street
**REPOST: The Synagogue Of Satan Anti-Christ Racist Jew Organizations That Dump Millions Of Migrants Into White Christian Nations. Build The Wall & Arrest & Execute Jews Involved In The Systematic Invasion and Sabotage Of White Christian Nations. #WhiteReplacement #SatanicJews #ImpaleJews**
If Trump supporters are opposed to illegal immigration, then why do they call the people who bring the illegal immigrants in their greatest allies?
Care to comment guys? u/-f-b-i-
u/hocuspocusfocusjeep u/danneskjold
Wouldn't you look at that. Before USAID there was ISRA-AID bringing in illegal aliens by the millions and dumping them into white nations.
If Trump Moderators only pretend to care about the SYMPTOMS of the problem, and are "greatest allies" with THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM, then you really aren't focused and genuinely intent on SOLVING the PROBLEM. There is a FINAL SOLUTION, but you guys don't want that. So I believe Trump Supporters should be required to shut up and stop bitching about the problems of globalism if they want to ban you for discussing the GLOBALISTS themselves : jews.
Holy shit! Those stupid bull ring piercings on thots make so much more sense. *They're being led by the nose!*