1 month ago27 points(+0/-0/+27Score on mirror)4 children
it is my firm belief that they should be granted their wish and left alone in total separation from evil white supremacists and their oppressive behaviours. Let's make it an all black area with no access to white people or their creations
1 month ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)4 children
You're going to have to deal with the fact that niggers were brought here with us, and they're always going to be here. Nobody has the stomach to genocide them.
And of course the cops just keep it moving. SWAT from every surrounding county would have been on-scene had it been Whites brandishing their rifles. But some masked niggers with no trigger discipline, walking around menacing passersby, get a wave from the White cops.
Worrying about muh ebil White supremacists in the present day is the equivalent of winnie the pooh and his friends scaring themselves with hephalumps and woozles.
The white building in the background is far enough away for the monkeys to not be able to hit you without luck. There's a good amount of them, so if you can't get them to retreat when you start firing you will need at least 3 competent shooters to act and make the most of the situation
Ideally I'd want at least 4 mags per man and a stolen or obscured vehicle at the base of the building for quick exfil. Lay down a tarp and take position under a second. Casing clean up will be quicker if they don't travel
Cop presence in the area, so we'd have to watch them and time it to avoid escalating to the system pigs
Wash down quickly after. Burn the clothing worn, heavy scrub on hands/face/exposed skin. Check for residue using at home lead test, it looks for the same stuff cops use
I hear there is an entire continent where white people don't like to go.
I'd buy them ammo if it wouldn't make me an accessory to a crime.
Niggers get their own neighborhoods that they police themselves. Defund the police. Defund all "education", etc.
Whites get the same, with checkpoints and their own police force. This is the only prosperous future that can come from a multi-ethnic democracy.