1 month ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)1 child
I don't quite get it but i just know that the TrumpTards over at TheDonald are so scared of being called nazi and they still think they took the good side in WWII. TheDonald fags like u/RuprechtThaMonkeyBoy u/TheLiquorSnurf u/DickTick whine about "globalists" and "deep State' all day but they praise jews in the same breath, too stupid to realize they both love and hate the same jews who are in fact the international globalists because they have monopoly power in the central banks of each nation. RFK jr. told you the CIA overthrew one third of all the world's governments after WWII and even told you that most of them were democracies. So why would the CIA overthrow capitalist democracies too? To install the jewish central banking system in that country. Globalists are just jews. And since you moderators censor any criticism of jews, it means that you are FRAUDS who are GATEKEEPING THE MAJORITY OF THE WHITE CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVE AUDIENCE FROM LEARNING THE TRUTH!!!!!!! You cannot be in opposition to globalism if you are the "greatest allies" of the jew globalists themselves.
Nazism and anti-semitism is going to spread and the normie MAGAtards are going to be left behind if we allow these lousy fraudulent impostor moderators to gatekeep and censor the truth. They are either cowards still scared of being called nazis in 2025, of they are dirty kikes.
Hey, you faggots. What did you actually "win" in world war ii? You handed over the entire eastern block of europe to communists! Why did you enter the war? Britain entered the war over the invasion of poland but ended up giving poland to communists anyways. USA entered because false flag pearl harbor, got their asses whooped by japanese in naval battles, had to bargain with bolshevik jew communists because they thought white national men who wanted their own country is evil and racist, despite believing jews deserve their own ethnic country which somehow now isn't evil and racist because DEYS MUH CHOSENS PEOPLES *burp*
Another Jewish word. Of course you mean the joy of Hitler's words.
Many at TD have been quietly turning over the years. You may notice that there's a lot more ConPro users than there used to be. Kike critical comments are upvoted, the mods have relaxed. We have been winning the meme war.
Some of us are so demoralized it will take us a while to see the truth. Stay strong brother.