1 month ago9 points(+0/-0/+9Score on mirror)1 child
AIDS (GRIDS) is nature's way of culling the herd. Taking out the sickest, weakest, dumbest niggers and helping to keep the species healthy. Removing humanity from natural selection was a mistake. Continuing to fight natural selection will have consequences.
At this point, I dont think its just simple natural selection, considering we have a disease, that outside of a few tragic exceptions, almost exclusively targets the morally depraved (Troons, Fags, Whores, and Whoremongers). Its a scourge of God, maybe the rule of nature isnt just survival of the fittest, but also survival of the Righteous.
1 month ago3 points(+0/-0/+3Score on mirror)1 child
AIDS is a scourge of God, designed to wipe out faggotry and fornication. The only cases where it afflicts people outside of faggotsand other degenerates is because the jewish pharma system is accidentally giving faggot blood transfusions to healthy people.
If anything, all curse and treatment of AIDS should be forbidden for faggots, until they swear to give up faggotry.
Funny, he's 25% on the paternal grandfather side and that has been scrubbed. Musk's 50% maternal got scrubbed by Wikipedia in January 2024. The moral of the story is that nothing is organic.