1 month ago15 points(+0/-0/+15Score on mirror)1 child
The contrast between the sculptures is especially striking. Same materials, and comparable tools in that they're able to work said materials, but the works produced in African countries look like something a child would make out of playdough.
I have sculptures of Our Lord and Our Lady made by my great grandmother when she was till in school, and I can assure you they are of higher quality than any jew or negro artist has ever produced without the tutelage of whites.
1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
I would rather see the two animals in this video that are being abused be saved and live their full lives and sacrifice the entirety of all nigger, shitskin, and sandrats lives, and I mean, ALL of them.
What they're really saying is that where they would expect to find culture among white people, there is an incomprehensible mass.
For instance, our music doesn't sound like any kind of music they are familiar with. They can barely perceive it let alone understand it. So when we are listening to music, they think we are listening to silence.