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posted 1 month ago by konoplya on (+0 / -0 / +27Score on mirror )
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KingSweyn on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
Boomers are the last unified generation, exposed to the same propaganda, entertainment, news, and traumas.

Millenials are the split generation. 9/11 split the generation into "trust authority completely" and "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" groups. Group A got blue hair, college degrees, and corporate faggotry. Group B got the history of the CIA, awareness of fake news, and race realism.

Group A went on to become humorless pearl-clutching "authority figures" who were instinctively and immediately rejected as authorities by the next generation of young men. A rebel attitude is personally rewarding when you can make authority lose their cool, and no one is easier to trigger than group A Millenials.

At the same time, group B became the "powerless" authorities of unfiltered truth. The power they gained was individual and personal, rather than an effect of aligning oneself with the power structure. It was the power of knowledge, speech, memes, muscles, and magic. Young rebel zoomers recognized that NOTHING could trigger their group A authorities the way group B memes could.

People under 25 have a much easier time assessing worldviews objectively. Did they want to align with mean, weak, childless tyrants, who clearly don't deserve the positions they have? Or did they want to align with strong, unapologetic, clever, and honest system outsiders, who clearly deserve better than they got?

Also, we all know how hard leftism reduces birth rates. Zoomer kids were mostly from centrist and right-wing families, and rarely from woke couples.
konoplya on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
good breakdown
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>People under 25 have a much easier time assessing worldviews objectively. Did they want to align with mean, weak, childless tyrants, who clearly don't deserve the positions they have? Or did they want to align with strong, unapologetic, clever, and honest system outsiders, who clearly deserve better than they got?

As a zoomer this is exactly on the money. I take for granted growing up after the lines were drawn: Either be a retard or be a human. Most millennials only learned that to be a human one must be retarded.
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