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posted 1 month ago by konoplya on (+0 / -0 / +27Score on mirror )
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deleted 1 month ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror ) 1 child
EsotericRefuse on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
Boomers don't think, and they know that they don't think. They must be, hands down, the most uninquisitive, unquestioning, ignorant and fearful generation to have ever existed. Perpetually fucking clueless. They just want to keep their heads down, hold on to what they've accumulated, and hope that the younger gererations figure out how to end or reverse aging before it's time for their dirt nap.
WEFFaggotsMustDie on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
They were raised on Walter Cronkite and never developed an actual opinion of the outside world around them. They just thought a smooth-talking fag in a suit was the definitive voice of world politics and never questioned beyond that.
KingSweyn on
1 month ago 5 points (+0 / -0 / +5Score on mirror )
Most children, when faced with the major options of worldviews in the world, will choose the one that contains their greatest self-interest.

The kids ARE the turning tide, so of course they're sensitive to how it's turning.
HerrBBQ on
1 month ago 3 points (+0 / -0 / +3Score on mirror )
This exact chart was posted yesterday. Are you really this lazy?
EsotericRefuse on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 4 children
How the fuck are millenials and genx loosing to zoomers when we actually experienced the 90's and know what they stole from us?
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 8 points (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror ) 2 children
Millennials got the full force of jewish propaganda much like their boomer parents did in the 60s. Zoomers are a much smaller White demographic so there was less focus on them, I hope that ends up being a mistake for jews.
Antifeministlegend_2 on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
It’s trve and you’ll see some coping from them on how zoomers are the actual snowflakes or some stupid shit like that
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 4 points (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Seriously. It's always been some stupid shit like "um aykshully you're too young to have opinions, racism is bad mmkay you'll grow out of it" as if people born in the 80s-90s are the model of maturity.
EsotericRefuse on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
From Genesis to modern day, never underestimate (((their))) arrogance fucking up a good scheme. It's like God enjoys allowing them to build their little houses of cards and then gently blowing them down right before they are completed.
KingSweyn on
1 month ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 2 children
Boomers are the last unified generation, exposed to the same propaganda, entertainment, news, and traumas.

Millenials are the split generation. 9/11 split the generation into "trust authority completely" and "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" groups. Group A got blue hair, college degrees, and corporate faggotry. Group B got the history of the CIA, awareness of fake news, and race realism.

Group A went on to become humorless pearl-clutching "authority figures" who were instinctively and immediately rejected as authorities by the next generation of young men. A rebel attitude is personally rewarding when you can make authority lose their cool, and no one is easier to trigger than group A Millenials.

At the same time, group B became the "powerless" authorities of unfiltered truth. The power they gained was individual and personal, rather than an effect of aligning oneself with the power structure. It was the power of knowledge, speech, memes, muscles, and magic. Young rebel zoomers recognized that NOTHING could trigger their group A authorities the way group B memes could.

People under 25 have a much easier time assessing worldviews objectively. Did they want to align with mean, weak, childless tyrants, who clearly don't deserve the positions they have? Or did they want to align with strong, unapologetic, clever, and honest system outsiders, who clearly deserve better than they got?

Also, we all know how hard leftism reduces birth rates. Zoomer kids were mostly from centrist and right-wing families, and rarely from woke couples.
konoplya on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
good breakdown
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
>People under 25 have a much easier time assessing worldviews objectively. Did they want to align with mean, weak, childless tyrants, who clearly don't deserve the positions they have? Or did they want to align with strong, unapologetic, clever, and honest system outsiders, who clearly deserve better than they got?

As a zoomer this is exactly on the money. I take for granted growing up after the lines were drawn: Either be a retard or be a human. Most millennials only learned that to be a human one must be retarded.
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
As a Christian, I can't help but think christians are the reason. Matthew 7:21
Antifeministlegend_2 on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
I’m gen z and something I’ve noticed similar to others is that we hate hypocrisy or just when it’s used against us. Some of us however ended up becoming leftist or some form of faggot but not all and it was those that didn’t that ended up reading on history at least I did that I know others who went into science and computers and engineering. Honestly I also believe the fact that we got ignored a lot that all the zog slop didn’t splash over all of us. Besides that you’ll see a lot of cope from millennials and gen x on how apparently it’s us who are the most sensitive ones and “we cancel everything” when it was annoying millennials and gen x( excusing the ones here you guys are awesome) saying how we basically have to sit down and listen to people who hate us and do whatever they say.
systemthrowaway on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
Stop believing jewish polls. This is copium.
JesusSupporter33 on
1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
I'm pretty sure this graph is fake, but if it isn't then it's a huge loss because "anti Semitism" has completely peaked around the 25 y/o age group and younger men have stopped becoming *more* anti semitic.
EsotericRefuse on
1 month ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
It just says that the 18-25 y/o cohort has similiar views on this particular issue, and that 18 was the youngest age group included in the results. For all we know, the rate of noticing in 13-17 year olds could be >50%.
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