1 month ago8 points(+0/-0/+8Score on mirror)2 children
>I actually have researched this a ton, but I have never been able to figure this out: I cannot TELL what I picture. I literally have no idea if I'm picturing something or if I'm just thinking about something. It's odd.
>>i can't figure it out, either. isn't it just thinking about something? im so confused, and the more i try and figure it out, the more it confuses me.
>>then i ask my bf, and without hesitating or second guessing, he says so confidently he CAN see images and even movies and scenes in his head. which makes me think i would know easily if i could. but i just don't know!!! i feel like i just THINK.
Holy shit. Its like they weren't given all the software to be complete humans.
Whoa! Books must be the most boring shit to them because they're not "seeing" anything in their head as they're reading. I didn't think of that aspect of it and you just blew my fucking mind.
1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
I have a personal theory that this apple thing (and similarly the lack of internal monologue) is one of the biggest chasms/causes of the culture war. There's a reason why a redditor's thought process is repulsive to us, and ours to them. We are fundamentally incompatible. There are large swaths people out there with whom it is impossible to discuss/debate/agree-to-disagree with due to their intellectual deficiencies. Trying to have an honest discussion with these people is a waste of time, they are like cattle.
1 month ago4 points(+0/-0/+4Score on mirror)2 children
Nah. Mid 40s here and when I visualize the apple, not only is it in full 3D, I can even taste it and feel it crunching between my teeth if I want to visualize taking a bite.
Practice probably helps. I remember being able to clearly visualize things as far back as when I was a kid, but I never thought there was anything notable about that until the NPC meme came out a few years back and I found out most people couldn't do it. Never really thought about how to improve something that I thought everyone could do.
"he CAN see images and even movies and scenes in his head
I can easily picture the faces Harrison Ford and Rutger Hauer are making in the rain on the rooftop in the famous scene from Blade Runner with my eyes open
>>i can't figure it out, either. isn't it just thinking about something? im so confused, and the more i try and figure it out, the more it confuses me.
>>then i ask my bf, and without hesitating or second guessing, he says so confidently he CAN see images and even movies and scenes in his head. which makes me think i would know easily if i could. but i just don't know!!! i feel like i just THINK.
Holy shit. Its like they weren't given all the software to be complete humans.
I pity them. It is as if they where born for physical slave labor, following orders, and nothing else.