There is only one eye witness to the supposed lethal injection he received. That witness was a member of the Polish Underground like Kolbe. Why was that member allowed in the starvation bunker? Did they not have security protocols in the camp? How did Kolbe survive 20 years with turberculosis?
I am back with some quick findings. one of the founders of the polish underground. Witold Pilecki Polish-speaking noble family (szlachta). also the fact that the polish underground have massive support from the jewish commuinsts should already scream read flags.
just looking at his prison camp photo booking phots notice the facial features looks like a jew to me. i wonder how many times wikipedia scrubbed the parents history.
I say again, the polish have always had a massive kike problem
was curious what AI had to say about the polish underground.
supprisingly Ai gave a rather truthful response