Because the long march has seeded the organizations with those in on the grift and staffed the rest with those sympathetic towards them for generations. They can operate out in the open and receive praise, we have to play coy and risk being expelled just for not clapping along.
1 month ago2 points(+0/-0/+2Score on mirror)2 children
If I was a homicidal maniac and was playing mine craft....
I would use boiling water to separate his skin from the fat layer, and ignoring the screaming and wiggling in the restraints, peel the skin off in one inch strips all the way down the entire body. we start with the back, not as painful, but when we get to the chest and start putting papercuts into the nipples.and tell them we are preparing to move to the face, they will sell out their own spouse just for a chance to stop the pain.
Just spit balling here, I never put too much thought into it...