1 month ago10 points(+0/-0/+10Score on mirror)2 children
I dont get it, someone was mad enough to assassinate the head of a health insurance company for denying coverage, surely someone losing everything they have and it being sold out from under them because of this greasy slime bag would have worse implications
1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
One time a lawyer who had inside connections told me how the mayor condemned property said it was hazardous because of waste or something to move the niggers out and relocate nigger projects then some cronies got the land for a fire sale then waited a decade and built water front multi-million dollar property. These were democrats, mind you.
1 month ago6 points(+0/-0/+6Score on mirror)1 child
Local gov't has way more power than most people know. What you're describing are called Environmental Impact Assessments. Similar to Eminent Domain and community zoning/ special use zones, local gov't can literally say that your zip code is now designated for commercial zoning, fine you for living in your home, and either push you to sell the land to a commercial developer (if they're being kind) or just levy enough fines on you until they can foreclose for the full value of the home/ land. They can do this to an entire neighborhood or one land parcel in particular.
Your mayor or city council can absolutely steal your land. You're a serf on their fiefdom.
*"But I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free ..."* 🙄
“White people can be insufferable too”, yeah, especially when those White people are being bribed or blackmailed by jews to do whatever the jew wants, like the entirety of congress, most judges, federal officials, and probably every state level politician. There’s no difference between the jew and his puppets, they are one and the same entity, just that the goy politician is the mask jews use to ward off the public’s pattern recognition.
1 month ago5 points(+0/-0/+5Score on mirror)1 child
Yes, yet somehow, he's gotten TONS of traction posting Right-wing news posts on Twitter. Overnight. Faggot went from fake Korean to MAGA authority because "We have the best faggots, don't we folks?" They quote his posts all the time over at PDW.
Once again, today's "Conservative" is last decades Democrat.