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Oliver Cromwell and the Jews (
posted 2 years ago by EJGeneric (+7 / -0 )
In my recent studies on Oliver Cromwell and the Modern Anglo spirit this lecture explains pretty well what makes the stereotype '***The Eternal Anglo***'. Why do the Anglos of England have a Zionist nihilism.
This starts the debate with @Earendil_the_Mariner about what exactly is wrong with the English.
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2 years ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
This is an integral point. (((They))) prefer using Africans or other third worlders because when they build these peoples up there is no danger of them using their newfound power against their masters. Even with the Anglos, this is not so. It's obvious the jew is terrified of any White group banding together and using their shekels against them, and although they've invested enormous sums of money to infiltrate us, I don't think they will ever feel completely comfortable until we are reduced to brown ashes.
After Cromwell, there were many long decades of recurrent wars and rebellions, either to put the Stuarts back on the throne or to reinforce local custom. This clearly shows his Parliamentarian Revolution was unpopular in Ireland and the old strongholds of Scotland, mainly the Highlands and the Western Isles. Even with a figure like Cromwell and his cronies turning things on their heads, there were English Loyalists who rejected his Parliamentarian Revolutionaries in favor of a "Scots" King.
Jews need a "Trojan horse" if they want to get us. For a while, that was pretending to be Christian. If that isn't working, then they need a Norman or an Anglo type figure to sell out the larger kindred. I wonder what exactly brought the Normans and Anglos to this end...
Next I want to find out if Cromwell had *any* Sephardic blood in him.
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