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# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [Consoom Coincidence] (
In this weekly we CONSSOOOOM coincidence!
“A coincidence is a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances that have no apparent causal connection with one another.” - Oxford Dictionary of English
There sure are a lot of coincidences echoed throughout history. But there seems to be no connection between these events or actors. The world is sure quirky with this whole social entropy thing. Just like the big bang if you think about it. Random events with no rhyme or reason. Yeah, some say there are clear patterns to things. Like a small group of the same kin dominating a specific industry, a financial system, or political positions. Don’t concern yourself about coincidences. Humans are just, you know really good at seeing patterns. Sometimes we see a face in a cloud, but it doesn't mean there is a face there, right? Why don’t you just buy some video games, enjoy watching some TV, let your wife go out on a date with her boyfriend, or simply just consume product and then get excited for next products? There is no way a small group of people could control the free and well-educated western world. That’s why we have democracy and diversity. They are our greatest strengths and allow us to have the greatest of allies. Anything else is just a coincidence.
Discussion ideas:
* Share a coincidence you have observed.
* Suggest ways to talk about ‘coincidences’ without seeming like a distasteful contrarian to the average person.
* To “call a spade a spade” in person or online is a dangerous act whether in a post-ironic context or objective truth. Why has the western world drifted so far from the principle of free speech?
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1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Here is a coincidence I have spotted: jews hate Christianity, and coincidentally they also hate traditional northwestern European paganism. I wonder why...
They love to lie about both. They love to denigrate both. They misrepresent one side to the other, to stoke flames. If you ever see a jew pretend to be a Christian, what does he do? He makes it out to be something that it is not. Oh! Jews do that with paganism too? What a coincidence!
I always thought that was a little weird of a coincidence.
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