Lets not romanticize paganism, the ancient pagans were all the same: worshipped idols, committed human sacrifice, worshipped the phallus, worshipped the sun, practice cannibalism... Jesus freeed our ancestors from this Satanic life of sin.
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1 year ago1 point(+1/-0)1 child
Yeah, you don't really understand what happened to the European folk traditions. It's ok.
There was a corruption there, it has a history. I'd suggest learning it rather than repeating neopagan shit about pantheons of gods and phallus worship. That wasn't the foundation, that was the corruption. The same corruption that came to our own religion.
There was a corruption there, it has a history. I'd suggest learning it rather than repeating neopagan shit about pantheons of gods and phallus worship. That wasn't the foundation, that was the corruption. The same corruption that came to our own religion.
Let's try and have a regular conversation in the future.