I do think it encapsulates why Conservative INC is not serving the people. It is just a wedge to keep the status quo. As far as solutions, we need to move beyond Conserving and more back to rekindling traditions.
Creating culture is one big way of defeating the creeping progression of degeneracy and technocratic control. One must name a problem to understand the way forward. The left controls culture and set the parameters. But that does not have to be the way.
2 years ago1 point(+1/-0)Edited 2022-09-04 07:46:01
I watched the latest Red Ice TV episode and the Host Henrique bro it up some good points about White populations rebounding and strengthening. Part of it being strong Wite communities growing and forming more healthy habits. Conversely the dysgenic portions of the dying off. It’s all going to be about community and timing. Most of the non populations are headed for a collapse in birthrate themselves on their current projectories. Hispanics and Asians especially.
Creating culture is one big way of defeating the creeping progression of degeneracy and technocratic control. One must name a problem to understand the way forward. The left controls culture and set the parameters. But that does not have to be the way.