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posted 2 years ago by SturmGewehr03 (+30 / -0 )
Very odd.
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2 years ago 6 points (+7 / -1 )
The issue is as u/else says that visiting rdrama dot net may capture enough packet data to track you down and the uptick today in traffic from Scored users to rdrama's site may have given them something that allowed them to hack or guess the password of "the top moderator in c/ConsumeProduct". That's a very specific charge and I don't remember who it was on top, do you?
Rdrama is living up to its name but we need to fight drama with meh and indifference. I was shocked that their troll generated 700 comments in one thread by people trying to reason with a website that claims it cannot be trusted because its purpose is to create divisive drama. Then these same people added like 50 new posts to c/rdrama just to fill it up when it was already controlled by the dramatists and this would be useless.
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