May have had a post like this some time before
I can't tell what natsoc is through the propaganda, plus a lot of self-identified natsocs online seem like classical liberals with a nationalist bent to them
I generally like freedom over authoritarianism and capitalism over socialism, so those would be my complaints
I like conservative / nationlist things and voluntarily taking care of people instead of socialism though
so what do you define natsoc as and if you're natsoc why do you like it and if not natsoc what do you like instead
\> me: anarcho-monarchism (anything from anarchy to monarchy) + conservative / nationalist principles
Second it is Homogeneity and Eugenics, instead of diversity , and dysgenics.
It is Dictators instead of democracy.
It is Pro White, and anti semitic.
It is Natural , and not Traditional.
and so on/