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posted 9 months ago by Uncle_Adolf (+2 / -0 / +133Score on mirror )
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they-see-me-trollin on
9 months ago 6 points (+0 / -0 / +6Score on mirror ) 1 child
and this was an obvious hackjob.

they used shitty soy protein for the test, and then used a picture of what the left thinks a right winger looks like, eating chicken wings.

soy is full of phytoestrogens, and medical journal articles like this applaud phytoestrogens for being able to help out women with hormone deficiencies in menopause. then of course, if you mention that this is bad for men, they will screech and reee and deny deny deny. and if you point out that phytoestrogens are bad for younger women as they increase rates of breast cancer, they will REEEE even harder.

now equally, the only time anyone considers chicken wings as protein is dumb bureaucratic bullshit, and when a drunk fratboi wants to go out drinking for the night and needs to keep his protein up. no one serious about their health genuinely considers chicken wings as good, healthy protein.

so they directly mislead and lie to the reader in multiple ways here.
Dark_Shroud on
9 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I said elsewhere in this thread that if the liberal hag women actually drink those Women's protein shakes as part of a meal replacement they would be much better off.

Whey Protein, Organic soy, & Collagen being some of the important ingredients.
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