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Hello fellow consumers,
As always thank you to everyone that participated in the last weekly and remember you are Operation MONKE!
NOTE: Weekly threads are run in parallel on
# This Weeks Discussion Theme: [ConPro European™](
In this weekly we offer the limelight to our European consumers with the goal being to learn about the current state of their countries. For the most part ConPro is highly U.S.A. centric but many of our products do get sent overseas so it should be interesting to hear from our foreign consumers. And of course, if you are not European but know someone who is you can relay what it’s like in their country as they described it to you. Maybe you are on a visa or simply live abroad do tell us what it’s like in the country you are in.
Discussion ideas:
* Do you like living in your country? Tell us one thing you enjoy about your country.
* What is it like in your country? What are the people like? Please explain what’s going on there. Are things like globohomo, globalism, immigration, liberalism, covid restrictions in your country? What is the political climate like?
* What do you think about the U.S.A. would you want to move here? Why or why not?
# Weekly Polls:
* ▶ [What do you want next week’s theme to be? (05-29)](◀
* [Open Response: Suggest weekly themes or provide some other suggestion](
# Previous Weeklies:
* [Weekly 93](
* [Weekly 92](
* [Weekly 91](
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