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For example, I listen to "The Tale of Cu Chulainn" by Miracle of Sound. I like it as it is, but if I've got it in my head on the road, I think of stuff like,

"And the great jew culling was sung of loud that night,
in a tale of hanging heebs and gassing kikes,
and the great jew culling, so furious and wild,
shall remain in myth and memory a lesson to gentiles!"
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Vikingstrength1488 on
9 months ago 1 point (+0 / -0 / +1Score on mirror )
Just listen to some of Prince song’s and there is no need to change the lyrics. Songs off of the The Rainbow Children album are 100% the truth. All of his works his true feelings are hinted at, but the man was 100% in the know. He knew all about history, was anti-semitic, against race-mixing, strong believer in God and Jesus, very anti-feminist and traditional, against lgbt and whoredom, even mentioned the jews poisoning us and chemtrails. The jews still kvetch to this day about the lyrics on that rainbow children album. He was a black nationalist who knew what is going on, and warned of the new world order.
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