Thought #1 - 48 hours rule.
Thought #2 - What do you call it when there is a war, and then the winners leave military bases behind? How many countries do not have US military bases?
Thought #3 - Why did the Israelis attack the US ship supposedly spying on them? How do they plan on handling US boots on the ground next door to them? How will the US respond when US soldiers are attacked or killed by Israeli soldiers? Remember they were supposed to kill off an entire generation of rural whites in WWII, but it turned out rural white US young men are pretty good at warfare.
Thought #4 - Despite the fact that our politicians are owned by jews, JUST LIKE THEY OWNED THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC, it takes all of 6 seconds for all of that to change. I remain hopeful yet skeptic that it is going to change. One way or the other. If Trump doesn't do it, someone else will.
Thought #5 - The Muslim world except Iran has bent the knee to the US. Trump is probably going to have Iran bend the knee shortly. There is no denying the fact that substantively the Muslim world has capitulated to the US and Trump. The terrorists only act when the US says they can act.
Final thought - when the Berlin wall came down in the 90s, I distinctly remember the feeling we had collectively: The cold war is over, we won. At that point, everyone's thoughts went to "what next?" It wasn't until 9/11/2001 that we even felt like we had a unified purpose anymore. Until then we were non-stop partying that the cold war was over and we didn't have to do nuclear bomb drills.
The zeitgeist of the 90s was that the US had won in every aspect of every possible war. The US was unstoppable. Our culture, our government, our economy, was impossible to defeat. Russia, we thought, had bent the knee and was now in the circle of influence of the US.
We were setting our sights on what was next. World peace? World unification? Were we going to Mars? Maybe we should start investing our military budget in superluminal space travel?
There were books written back then where the US army invaded hell and won. The Stargate series was all about how 90s US military and citizens were able to defeat godlike supernatural threats across the galaxy and beyond.
The 80s were all about "we're all going to die because nuclear bombs are definitely going to blow up the world". The 90s were the exact opposite.
With Trump doing this, it feels like we are entering a new phase, a new evolution. There is no country that can oppose us, nor any reason to oppose us anymore. America isn't ascending, we have ascended. When aliens come to our planet and say "Take me to your leader", everyone on planet earth will point to Donald Trump.