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See title. I'm curious to know when the first mentions of the holocaust were. I've seen some things to suggest they were long after WWII, and it took until the 70s for it to appear in encyclopedias and dictionaries. However on the contrary we have books like If This Is a Man by Primo Levi which was published in October 1947, only two years after he left Auschwitz, and published a few months earlier was Diary of a Young Girl in June of 1947. Are there any earlier? News reports, survivor accounts, whatnot?
Evil (
posted 24 days ago by MLJFireDragon747 on (+0 / -0 / +54Score on mirror )
posted 23 days ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror )
We as humans have evolved from little fish into monkeys into what we are now

All of the current human races came out of africa

However europeans for example are simply africans with a different skin color due to the sun, the magic of evolution stopped entirely after we left africa

Adolf Hitler persecuted and hated the jewish people for no reason whatsoever and that one man successfully conned the german people into murdering 6 million jews in specifically gas chambers while he was leading a 2 front war

Hitler also wanted to take over the whole world to turn it into a living space for the aryan race and he hated slavs with a burning passion second only to his hatred of the jews, yet he allied with Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovakia

Anyone can move to any other country on earth and as soon as they get a piece of paper granting them citizenship they are immediately no different than the native population, irrespective of their genetics. People who were born there no matter their background are immediately functionally identical to the native population

Jewish people are over-represented in positions of power because they have a high iq and a culture that rewards hard work, yet europeans stole all their achievements from other peoples or at least oppressed them horribly in order to achieve their status and africans are vastly underrepresented in positions of power and overrepresented in crime rates due to a still present oppression and socio-economic factors, despite poor europeans committing far less crime than rich africans.

Adolf Hitler was the very embodiment of evil and no one in history ever was worse than him despite even his alleged kill count being nothing more than a footnote compared to people like genghis khan or the various communist regimes, Hitler was more evil because he was racist while killing people.
posted 24 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +14Score on mirror )
posted 23 days ago by BlackPillBot on (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
Maine governor bans militia training (
posted 24 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +8Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by wankingisgay on (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
Everyone who comments about "eurofags x" or "Amerilards y" out of a genuine sense of hostility towards the other group of people (rather than memeing) is helping to promulgate typical Jewish divide and concquer tactics. Whether they know it or not.

There isn't anything special about Europeans vs American (and by extension, all other diaspora) whites. Believing that one is superior to the other is absurd to the highest degree.

Americans and Europeans share the exact same history until the moment their ancestors arrived to the US. So that's from about the stone age to at most the early 1600s. Every event from antiquity, every medieval event, the renaissance, and the early modern period (AT LEAST) are shared experiences. More if you factor in that the average American is not descended from the first puritans to arrive.

There's not something magically different about us 2. Stop acting like there is. Don't be indifferent to the collapse and subjugation of YOUR PEOPLE because there's some water in the way, regardless of whether you're on the west or the east side of this water.

Genuine criticism? Good. Both white diaspora and Europeans need severe help. Hostility and infighting? No good.
posted 24 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +39Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by Heliocentric on (+0 / -0 / +21Score on mirror )
posted 23 days ago by LawrysSeasonedSoap on (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
posted 23 days ago by XBX_X on (+0 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
music (
posted 24 days ago by Coronelington on (+0 / -0 / +11Score on mirror )
LOL Trump's last famous words (
posted 24 days ago by Conspirologist on (+0 / -0 / +25Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by Uncle_Adolf on (+0 / -0 / +7Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by diogenesofthearch on (+0 / -0 / +70Score on mirror )
That, but unironically. (
posted 24 days ago by LordGrimTheInvincibl on (+0 / -0 / +40Score on mirror )
posted 24 days ago by FuckMcNuggets on (+0 / -0 / +15Score on mirror )
The Bible says "Do not love this world". Loving this world means you're appropriating it for yourself. The world was created by God, it doesn't belongs to you so you shouldn't have a say in how it works.

It's a key principle of stoicism. If you want to take over the world, you need to know what the world actually is. You must fully embrace the fact that you live in a jewish world. You are evil, because the jews won and thus are the good guys. Embrace the fact that you're evil. The jews own America and Europe so stop treating these jewish properties with respect. Be evil until your enemy is finally gone.

A better way to define "caring": You should only care about problems if they affect you, otherwise it's none of your bussiness. Smart people are capable of foreseeing problems that could affect them in the future and that's why they sometimes step in to help strangers. Stupid people can't foresee the future and that's why they think altruism is about "human rights" or "morality" and that's how they end up helping their own enemies: because they don't understand consequences and believe that "good intentions" are enough to make their actions good.
Mein Kampf 478 (
posted 24 days ago by BreadandWinePilled on (+0 / -0 / +20Score on mirror )
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