Joined 3 years ago
Comment points: 55 Post points: 14

1 month ago 0 points (+0 / -0 )
I mean, I get it.
1 month ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
KingSweyn (on Scored) says it’s just a visual glitch (he deleted one comment and both visible comments disappeared), so it’s strange that the visual duplication is being repeated here…
1 month ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
*The World Almanac & Book of Facts*, either the ’47 or ’48 copy. Can’t remember which.
1 month ago 3 points (+1 / -0 / +2Score on mirror ) 2 children
>**The Seventy-Niner's Café[22] was a Jewish-owned bar** located on the southeast corner of E. 79th Street and Hough Avenue, and popular with African American residents of the community.[23] **Seventy-Niner's suffered from a number of problems, including drug dealing, the sale of stolen goods, and prostitution,[24] and the owners had begun barring certain individuals from the establishment.[22][c]** Local sex workers Margaret Sullivan and her friend, Louise (an African American),[23] were among those who had been banned.[28] Sullivan died on July 16, leaving three young children. On July 17, Louise attempted to leave a box at the bar so patrons could donate money for the care of Sullivan's children. The owners refused to permit the collection. Louise returned about 5 PM on Monday, July 18. **The owners argued with her, allegedly using defamatory and racist language**, and she was thrown out.[22][28][d] A short while later, another racially charged incident occurred, although the exact details are unclear. In one account, one of the bar owners denied water to an African American man who had entered the bar, and then **posted a sign on the door which read "No Water for Niggers".[29]** In another account, an African American man purchased a bottle of liquor in the bar, and then requested a cup of ice.[e] One of the owners denied his request, and then posted a sign on the door which read "No water for niggers".[23] In a third account, an African American man entered the bar and asked for a glass of water. One of the owners denied his request and told a waitress that there was "no water for niggers". This co-owner then posted a sign on the door which read "No Ice Water".[31] In an interview with The Plain Dealer newspaper, the Feigenbaums denied being present at the bar during the incident, and denied that one of their employees had denied a man water.[30]
1 month ago 6 points (+2 / -0 / +4Score on mirror ) 1 child
Circumcision is the modern reason for trannies, by the way.
Bruce Reimer was misdiagnosed with phimosis and his parents were told to circumcise him. The equipment malfunctioned and almost entirely burned off his penis. The parents took him to Baltimore Hopkins hospital and directed to John Money’s “gender identity clinic” there. Rather than provide medical assistance–or even genuine psychological help–to preserve Bruce’s health, Money suggested that Bruce’s remaining genitalia be surgically removed and that he be raised as a girl.
The Reimers fell for it. At 22 months, Bruce’s manhood was excised and his parents scheduled regular visits with Money instead of an actual doctor. During these visits, Money [engaged](https://archive.md/Y8DQI) in sexual experiments with Bruce, ranging from having Bruce rest on all fours while his brother Brian rubbed his crotch against his buttocks, having Brian sit upon his pelvis for extended periods, and even forcing the two to strip naked and inspect each other’s genitals while Money took pictures. Money’s rationale for this was his belief that *“childhood ‘sexual rehearsal play’ is important for a healthy adult gender identity.”* **This continued for ten years.** When Bruce was 13, Money suggested the Reimers pay for further mutilation to create him a fake “vagina.” Bruce threatened suicide if his parents went through with it.
During the decade this occurred, the “sexual revolution” caused Money’s child abuse to be celebrated. In 1973, Time Magazine, under chief editor ✡Henry Grunwald✡, [gave](https://archive.vn/CMuGQ) Money the title “the new father of sexual psychology,” following in the footsteps of ✡Sigmund Freud.✡ Anonymously, Bruce’s story was printed in several textbooks across America and Canada. Naturally, Money wrote the text as if it had been a breakthrough success. In reality, Bruce’s life was hell. As early as two, “Brenda”–as he had begun to be called–violently rejected the lie his parents had forced upon him, tearing up the dresses they would buy, smashing dolls and other girly toys, and screaming that he was really a boy. The female hormone therapy (yes, this existed even in the 1960s) did nothing to make him feel feminine, only resulting in physical changes. Rather than exercise common sense, paternal affection, and basic human decency by stopping the “therapy,” Bruce’s mother attempted suicide and his father became a reclusive alcoholic. His brother Brian expressed his sadness and anger through drug use and petty theft, eventually developing schizophrenia. When Bruce was 14, a non-jewish psychiatrist demanded that Bruce’s dad tell him the truth.
> “Suddenly it all made sense why I felt the way I did. I wasn’t some sort of weirdo. I wasn’t crazy.” **~ David Reimer**; recorded in *Please Select Your Gender*, p. 134; 2010
Taking the name David, Bruce began testosterone treatment after a double mastectomy to remove the breasts that developed from years of supplemental estrogen. Years later, David was still unable to handle the pain. **At 38, he took his own life** shortly after his brother’s suicide. What of John Money? He faced some criticism in his time. The non-binary “clinic” shut down in 1971–after countless infant genital mutilations–when the administration at Johns Hopkins finally denounced transsexualism as an illness. The anonymous textbook articles and medical journal updates quietly vanished after “Brenda” became David. Psychologist ✡Dr. Milton Diamond✡ interviewed David at age 30. This lead to a 1997 medical [article](https://archive.vn/7KnwG) shattering Money’s fantasies and revealing him as a hoax in national press coverage.
A Rolling Stone [interview](https://archive.vn/fbiUx) of David was published as the stand-alone biography *As Nature Made Him*. Despite his exposure of Money’s hoaxes, Diamond himself has contributed to further support of transsexual delusion. He has [championed](https://archive.md/8c5G5) the retirement of the phrase *“**disorder*** *of sexual development”* in favor of *“**difference*** *in sexual development.”* No matter where jews are–no matter their field, no matter their claimed upbringing–we see Hegelian dialectic in play. *“If a word describing a concept has bad connotations, change the word so that it has good connotations.”* Money’s lies about the success of the “reassignment” led to 30 years of false reporting and widespread institutional validation of his view on the “malleability” of sex. It became the dominant viewpoint among physicians and doctors, reassuring them that sexual reassignment was a “correct” decision in certain circumstances. This has resulted in thousands of sexual “reassignments” and genital mutilations since the 1960s.
1 month ago 2 points (+1 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 2 children
I have a digital copy of the complete Talmud, I have *History of the Jews in the United States*, I think I’ve sene an excerpt from *History of the Jews in Frankfurt*… *The Annual Register* sounds familiar. The others I don’t.
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
You’re actually an intriguing spammer. I’m surprised, which doesn’t happen often.
Still, kill yourself. You won’t find any business here. Save your time and go somewhere else.
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 3 children
No one will ever give your masters a cent. You failed.
3 months ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Kill yourself, spambot.
3 months ago 1 point (+1 / -0 )
Die immediately, spambot.
The Risk Of Standing (www.youtube.com)
posted 3 months ago by TallestSkil in general (+2 / -0 )
Despite the timing of its upload, this video is in no way, shape, or form a commentary on contemporary events in the United States or elsewhere in the world. Your uploader (me) explicitly disavows upcoming social events beginning with the letter E (or V) and takes no position thereon. No publishable position, at least.
This (algorithmically generated) song is to be understood only within the context of its own contents and how they pertain at any given moment to one’s own life, not to any specific event.
If the war is over,
Twenty years from today,
At sunup,
Will you be able to say,
“I fought for something”?
Twenty years from today,
Did you choose a side
Or stand aside when it came time to choose
And throw the dice to decide
Who will win, and who will lose?
And twenty years from today
Will you remember why you fought?
Or didn't fight? And was it all in vain?
Were the things that matter most to you,
Were they worth the suffering and pain?
Or did you stay on the sideline
For fear of choosing wrong?
Or losing it all because
The cost of doing what you believe is right
Wasn't worth the risk of standing?
Twenty years from today,
Will you look on in regret
And wish when what you could have stood for
Is taken and long gone?
And say to yourself each morning,
"I was there. I could have chose–
Chose to stand.”
And wonder 'til your grave
What could have been?
And twenty years from today
Will you remember why you fought?
Or didn't fight? And was it all in vain?
Were the things that matter most to you,
Were they worth the suffering and pain?
Or did you stay on the sideline
For fear of choosing wrong?
Or losing it all because
The cost of doing what you believe is right
Wasn't worth the risk of standing?
Will you look on in regret
And wish when what you could have stood for
Is taken and long gone?
And say to yourself each morning,
"I was there. I could have chose–
Chose to stand.”
And wonder 'til your grave
What could have been?
And twenty years from today
Will you remember why you fought?
Or didn't fight? And was it all in vain?
Were the things that matter most to you,
Were they worth the suffering and pain?
Or did you stay on the sideline
For fear of choosing wrong?
Or losing it all because
The cost of doing what you believe is right
Wasn't worth the risk of standing?
Wasn't worth the risk of standing?
11 months ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
Eating less is good for weight loss, bot account.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
No, it’s settled. It isn’t happening and never has been.
1 year ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
Kill yourself, insurgent.
1 year ago 1 point (+1 / -0 ) 1 child
1 year ago 3 points (+2 / -0 / +1Score on mirror ) 1 child
Yeah, they’re basically dead. Insurgent, et. al. killed them long ago.
As for notifications, don’t they appear next to each individual board anymore? They used to.
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -0 / -1Score on mirror )
It pinged me here, though!
1 year ago 5 points (+1 / -0 / +4Score on mirror )
Prisoners get their room and board paid for them, and also they get to take classes for free.
That’s the difference.
1 year ago 2 points (+0 / -0 / +2Score on mirror )
They clearly don’t need to try very hard. No one ever questions or opposes them.
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
>Let's say you're in a situation where you're done being interrogated by the feds and are free
Doesn’t happen. When the raids come, they won’t be leaving us alive.
1 year ago 0 points (+1 / -1 )
lol. lmao, even.
They won’t tell you.
They won’t give you one.
In your own house? They wouldn’t let you go anyway.
Being white is illegal. Your beliefs are illegal. You cannot stop this.
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
> if Hitler was right in 1919, the German government should logically still be unshakably pressured to expel 100,000 Jews today
They are, subhuman kike. What’s your point.
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