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My apologies, I had to nuke the content after the admin doxxed my browser info on ConPro. This site cannot be trusted. ⚠️
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deleted 2 years ago 0 points (+0 / -0 ) 1 child
2 years ago -2 points (+0 / -2 ) 2 children
Very funny Joe (username doesn't check out). According to you, even a board designed directly to host all the forbidden facts of the ConPro community can't handle them. This is the classic appeal to censorship fallacy so beloved among conspiracists. If your facts are such that I can only see them if I already see them, I'm not interested, I'm busy researching the motivations of the founding of the DAP based on demonstrable facts (not so interested in Nuremberg and the stuff I haven't commented on that you seem to presume my views on).
I proposed that, if Hitler was right in 1919, the German government should logically still be unshakably pressured to expel 100,000 Jews today. You have not joined the debate on whether Hitler was right about this, whether my conclusion is faulty, or whether he didn't mean it that way. Then you accused me of not debating.
1 year ago -1 points (+0 / -1 )
> if Hitler was right in 1919, the German government should logically still be unshakably pressured to expel 100,000 Jews today
They are, subhuman kike. What’s your point.
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