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"The first shall be last" ?
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+15 / -0 )
Reading and Studying the Bible, and coming away with the impression that God does not care about Race, and Bloodline.
Either blind, stupid, or dishonest.
If Communism is rule by a centralized authority that determines all social policy, then Capitalism is a gateway to Communism.
In any Capitalistic economy, the largest corporations will continue to expand, and take over smaller corporations.. In time the corporations will have more power than the Government, and they will make policy behind the scenes.
Once the large corporations have all of the Power, they use the State as a proxy, and after a time Capitalism makes the entrance of Communism much more feasible.
Agorism is Superior to Capitalism. Keep the Free market, but reject central currency, and economic controls.
Gab is the ParallelFaceBook
Arete is the ParallelReddit
ParallelSearch is the ParallelGoogle
Goyimtv is the ParallelYouTube
GiveSendGo is the ParallelGoFundMe
ParSoc is the Parallel...
there is progress being made on several fronts, and we will continue. Progress at times seems slow, but overall I think that we are starting to Act in the Right way. This Struggle will go on for hundreds of generations, and tens of thousands.
The jews control the world through a few means, they are the platforms that I have listed above, with a focus on advertising, currency, and information.
Advertising is of course included in the media, and entertainment as well.
Who ever controls the eyes, and ears controls the Whole.
Pierce left behind a lot of great information, and motivation.
Rockwell left behind a model of Courage, and Struggle.
Pelley left behind a new model of Aryan spirituality, and a doctrine for the future.
The movements of Pelley, Pierce, and Rockwell all but vanished upon their passing, but the NW Imperative is alive and well today, and it is very likely to become much more popular.
It was said in the Scriptures that they were building a tower so high as to touch the heavens?
In the modern "scientific" model of the heavens, and the earth, this does not make sense.
However, in the dome model, this may make a bit more sense.
What would have happened if the tower reached the dome?
We are gooooooing to break out of the dome!
So yeah, I know.. GEOTUS is an Anti White, ZOGBOT and you know the thing.
However, what is with the raid? Are they really scared of him? What do they fear?
616D chess the whole time?
I'm beginning to see the wisdom in William Dudley Pelley's writings on skin tone as a representation of Soul advancement.
No matter the Race, or ethnicity.. the skin tone is one of the most accurate methods of judging someones ability, or behavior. Of course it is not a sure thing in all cases, but as a rule it is accurate.
The Asians, very light skin. White people also light skin, and the Nordics have lighter skin than many other White ethnicities.
Then we get to the hispanic people, generally the light skinned ones are more civilized, and more intelligent.
The skin tone rule can even be applied to Black people, the lighter the skin, the more civilized they are.
It is interesting to me, because Anti Racists often will say "You can't judge someone by the color of their skin" , and the Racists will often respond.. "It is not about the skin color, it is the genetics"... BUT, what if Skin color is an important marker?
That is not to say that Bio Diversity among the Races is not important, as each should stick with their own, even if their skin tones are similar, but groups and even individuals can be accessed by their skin tone.
Perhaps if we were to witness an angel it would be translucent.
What does it mean exactly?
That this is where all of the real consoomers are hanging out now. I am looking for some good tips on marvel movies, and figurines... if someone can help, please.
List of all Experiments :
1. ParallelAdvertising
2. ParallelCoin
3. ParallelCommerce
4. ParallelSearch
5. ParallelVillages
6. ParallelEntertainment
7. ParallelEducation
8. ParallelHealth
9. ParallelLeadership
10. ParallelSociety
11. ParallelInsurance
12. ParallelInvestments
13. ParallelCulture
14. ParallelGovernment
What must be done today?
Good question, Yes.. Very well indeed.
What must be done?
First though, what must not be done.
The same things that have been done until now.
The same expressions, actions. and analysis.
Chaos, the Eternal battle with Order.
May Order spontaneously wrangle Chaos?
No, unlikely. Order must come in System, and Procedure.
To overthrow a Tyrant is Good.
To develop a System that prevents the Tyrant is Better.
People look for Final Solutions,..
The bug-man makes a clean sweep of the house, bugs all gone.
Householder continues to leave food to rot, and attract bugs.
Look at all of our battles of today, and yesterday.
Always Usury, Taxation, and Wage Slavery.
If you leave the door open, and your valuable possessions out, the robber will enter.
We cannot continue to blame the robber for fulfilling his Nature.
We need to learn to protect our Currency, our Labor, and our Home.
This is on us, to create Systems, and Solutions.
To experiment with new methods of currency, advertising, and housing.
To give trial to new forms of barter, and exchange.
To test new methods of Governance, and Leadership.
To survey all of our errors gone by.
It is not easy for a State to experiment, and find ideal solutions.
There is too much pressure, and chaos.
It is on us to create s Society that can last.
Easier is it to take a Kingdom, than to keep it.
If we can show that we are able to keep it, then easier will it be to take (back).
ZOG fears the Farmers (www.bitchute.com)
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+10 / -0 )
BitChute channel to follow (www.bitchute.com)
posted 2 years ago by RightSideFunding in ConsumeProduct (+4 / -0 )
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