Joined 3 years ago
Comment points: 7 Post points: 11

One thing I've never noticed in this board, both on ConPro and Arete is the discussion of military tactics and hardware.
To successfully secede from Soyciety, especially as an equally potent nation, you WILL need coordination and arms. The arms part isn't too big of an issue, insurgencies in the middle east and central America were doing just fine during the cold war with pick up trucks and AK-47s. The issue we need to start addressing is military training.
Not everyone will be able to live on a farm and till soil for the rest of their lives. This is where enlistment can come in. Incels who feel like they've lost all direction in life can come to this new military, where they're actually fighting for their people and against the (((ones))) who made them the way they were, porn-addicted coomers with no hope and game.
I remember hearing about the works of Arno Brekner, and how they and the fitness manuals of Germany were destroyed and burned away. The former didn't even have any overt Nazi imagery, just depicted the same types of athletic men you'd see sculpted in Ancient Greece and Rome. Jews don't fear bumbling farmers, they fear those who can easily double as almost-superhuman warriors.
Best of luck to all of you on your journey.
posted 3 years ago by HingusTheBungus in ConsumeProduct (+6 / -0 ) Edited 2022-02-24 06:18:35
I noticed that a lot of us are straight up running away, and all I can say is: stop. This is the fatal flaw with us, our current tactic isn't to fight till the end, but to just hop to cleaner water when piss fills the pond. Wouldn't it just make sense to attack the (((ones))) peeing on us? Win is still our turf, even if it's more normalfagged than before. We already had ConPro restored, so it's time we fight back against these ungodly menaces. Ban them a thousand times over, log their ISPs and IPs and bombard any future accounts with "YWNBAW".
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